How to Complete BCND

The steps outlining how to complete Building Community the Notre Dame Way (BCND) for new and returning undergraduate students are included below. Please note you will need a computer with Internet access and audio capabilities to complete the online course.

New Undergraduate Students

BCND is required for all new students, and successful and timely completion of the program by Friday, August 23, 2024 is essential. After you receive an email notifying you the BCND modules are available, please follow these steps to complete the online modules:

  1. Go to the following website:
  2. You will be asked to enter your Notre Dame email address on the welcome/landing page. The email you should use is the one to which your invitation letter was sent.  
  3. Modules are designed to be completed in order - once you view a video module, you will take a 5 question assessment. If you do not answer enough of the questions correctly, you will be able to review the video again and retake the assessment. While doing the assessment, there is a button to replay the video, if needed.
  4. There are 11 modules that make up BCND for new undergraduate students. You do not need to complete the entire program in one sitting. However, you will need to complete a module's assessment successfully to be checked off on that particular topic. Some are longer than others but the average video lasts 6 minutes.

Note: Some of the modules deal with difficult issues such as sexual assault, relationship violence, and discrimination. If at any time you need someone to talk to or process the information with, please feel free to contact the University Counseling Center at 574-631-7336 (confidential) or the Gender Relations Center at 574-631-9340 (non-confidential). For more information about resources, please visit

The second component of BCND for new undergraduate students are small group discussions for first year students within your Moreau First Year Experience classes and for transfer students during Transfer Welcome Week. Within these small groups, you will discuss possible situations that could be harmful to you and others, practice the bystander intervention strategies utilized at Notre Dame, and learn about resources that help our community be a safe and welcoming campus for all. 

Returning Undergraduate Students

Returning undergraduate students are required to complete two online modules specific to interpersonal violence and discriminatory harassment. Please follow these steps to complete the online modules:

  1. Go to and login using your Notre Dame email address. The email you should use is the one to which your letter was sent.
  2. Modules are designed to be completed in order - once you view a video module, you will take a 5 question assessment. If you do not answer enough of the questions correctly, you will be able to review the video again and retake the assessment. While doing the assessment, there is a button to replay the video, if needed.
  3. There are two modules that make up BCND for returning undergraduate students. You do not need to complete the entire program in one sitting. However, you will need to complete a module's assessment successfully to be checked off on that particular topic. The average video lasts 6 minutes.

Note: Some of the modules deal with difficult issues such as sexual assault, relationship violence, and discrimination. If at any time you need someone to talk to or process the information with, please feel free to contact the University Counseling Center at 574-631-7336 (confidential) or the Gender Relations Center at 574-631-9340 (non-confidential). For more information about resources, please visit

Graduate and Professional Students

Graduate and professional students are required to complete an online module related to Sexual and Discriminatory Harassment. Details related to accessing and completing the required discrimination and harassment module is forthcoming and will be sent to your Notre Dame email address.

Note: Some of the modules deal with difficult issues such as sexual assault, relationship violence, and discrimination. If at any time you need someone to talk to or process the information with, please feel free to contact the University Counseling Center at 574-631-7336 (confidential) or the Gender Relations Center at 574-631-9340 (non-confidential). For more information about resources, please visit


The online module for incoming undergraduate students will open in the summer of 2024, and an email will be sent to all incoming students with the exact opening date and instructions. The deadline to complete the online modules is Friday, August 23, 2024.

Computer Access

For information on how to utilize computer labs on campus to complete BCND, please visit OIT's Computer Lab Locations & Hours page