Pregnancy Support

For a student facing a planned or unplanned pregnancy, the physical, emotional, and spiritual issues can seem overwhelming. In keeping with its mission as a Catholic University, Notre Dame is committed to life and to offering students resources that support life. Therefore, the University will make every effort to provide pregnant students with caring, non-judgmental, professional assistance and support. Assistance is also available for those affected by the pregnancy of someone close to them.

Undergraduate students at Notre Dame spend many years working hard and and planning for their post-secondary education. Being pregnant is often not part of the plan. For students in graduate level studies, pregnancy may be either unplanned or planned. For the many couples who choose to start their family during their time at Notre Dame, finding out they are pregnant is cause for joy and excitement. Nonetheless, Notre Dame understands pregnancy and parenting present a unique set of challenges for graduate students and their families. 

Students who become pregnant may stay at Notre Dame if they wish and will receive the full support of the University community. The University will do all it can to accommodate student needs and concerns regarding coursework and housing. University Health Services provides free pregnancy tests and can assist with physician referrals. Counseling is available both during and after the pregnancy, through the Family Resource Center, the University Counseling Center, and/or Campus Ministry.