Student Affairs E-newsletter: May 7, 2020

Author: Kate Morgan

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Virtual Support, Resources, and Programming

Health and Wellness Resources

The UCC is able to provide tele-mental health services in a growing number of states. If you are living internationally or in a state where the UCC is unable to provide tele-services, UCC staff are available for a phone consultation to help address immediate concerns and consider resources that could be available in your area. Learn more about finding a local community provider here

The UCC also offers a new 24/7 HELPLINE, 574-631-TALK, that is available to all students regardless of your current location. While this line is not for ongoing counseling, counselors are available to talk with Notre Dame students about immediate concerns and can help with referral resources. 

As the semester ends, you may be faced with losses on multiple levels. Download the Building Resilience in Times of Lose: Making Meaning worksheet for tips on how to work through these feelings and find meaning as you cope.

Additionally, if you're looking to keep yourself occupied this summer, consider exploring new hobbies and learning new skills, and be on the lookout for a Summer Camp from McWell and GROW peer educators on our social media channels (@McWellND). Please also be sure to visit the McWell website for additional well-being resources.

RecSports has partnered with Wellbeats to gain access to the same on-demand fitness classes offered in the private fitness studios in the Smith Center for Recreational Sports. Unlimited streaming access to Wellbeats on-demand fitness has been extended through May 31! Click here for more information and for instructions on how to access Wellbeats on-demand fitness classes on your mobile device or TV.

Faith Resources

As the semester ends, there are likely a variety of things weighing on your mind and heart. Please know that even during the summer months, Campus Ministry is here for you. You may want to share how you are dealing with the unknown, the losses big and small, or wondering whether the pandemic is affecting your relationships and how to navigate this time spiritually. Whatever needs attention now and throughout the summer, please know a campus minister is available. Either set up a time to video chat or email Mike Urbaniak

Students are invited to join a Bible Study to connect with others and discuss God's message in Scripture. No previous experience with the Bible is needed - just an open heart. If interested, please email Brett Perkins

During this unprecedented time, students may experience grief associated with the death of a loved one due to COVID-19. Please know members of Campus Ministry's pastoral care team are ready and available to provide support. If you would like to speak with a campus minister or learn more about grief resources, please email Tami Schmitz.

Career Development

Class of 2020, your career support doesn’t stop at graduation. Notre Dame is always here for you.

The Meruelo Family Center for Career Development continues to provide career counseling services for up to a year after graduation. The Career Support for Recent Graduates section of our website contains a wealth of information to help at any stage of your career development process.

One year after graduation, career services for all Notre Dame alumni are provided by the Notre Dame Alumni Association. For more specific information on career support from the Alumni Association, please click here

Our staff recognizes this summer may be challenging for many students. Any experience is meaningful, and employers will acknowledge that internships were not as plentiful during this time. However, you will be asked about how you spent your summer. Consider the narrative you want to tell about what you did during this time. 

Utilize the resources on our website to create a plan and continue searching for opportunities:

Throughout the summer, we will have a number of services and programs available on Handshake, including:

Family Resource Center

The Notre Dame Family Resource Center (FRC) is open year-round to provide support services to married, parenting, and/or pregnant students to ensure all families thrive at Notre Dame. The FRC is dedicated to building community for Notre Dame’s married, parenting, and/or pregnant students and their families and working with established partners throughout the University to connect these students with resources to enhance their intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual formation. To contact the FRC during the summer months, please click here.

Student Awards

It is our honor to recognize the following students for helping to shape the Notre Dame community.


  • The Rev. A. Leonard Collins, C.S.C., Award: Eric Kim
  • The Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C. Award: Christian Abraham Arega
  • The Sister Jean Lenz, O.S.F. Leadership Award: Julaine Zenk
  • The Blessed Basil Moreau, C.S.C., Leadership Award: Carolina Robledo
  • The John W. Gardner Student Leadership Award: Tim Jacklich
  • The Mike Russo Spirit Award: Laksumi Sivanandan
  • The Ray Siegfried Award for Leadership Excellence: Madeline Coady
  • The Denny Moore Award for Excellence in Journalism: David Korzeniowski

To learn more about these annual awards, please click here


  • Shelene Baiyee 
  • Colleen Ballantyne 
  • Elizabeth Boyle 
  • Cecily Castillo 
  • Linde Hoffman 
  • Xinhui “Helen” Hong 
  • Nicholas Ottone
  • James Ryan
  • Abby Smith
  • Takunda Ushe

To learn more about these award recipients, please click here


  • Irish Clover Award: Patrick McGuire and Elizabeth Boyle
  • Frank O’Malley Undergraduate Teaching Award: Professor DeeAnne Goodenough-Lashua
  • Michael J. Palumbo Award: Halena Hadi 


  • Club of the Year: Model United Nations Club of Notre Dame.
  • Club Event of the Year: LepreCON (RPG Club, SciFi Fantasy Club, Japan Club)
  • Club Officer of the Year: Nicholas Seifert (Handbell Choir)
  • Club Advisor of the Year: Dr. Victoria Goodrich (Society of Women Engineers)


  • 2019-2020 Men's Hall of the Year: Dunne Hall
  • 2019-2020 Womens Hall of the Year: Flaherty Hall 
  • 2019-2020 Hall of the Year: Carroll Hall


Alumni Hall

  • Citation of Merit Award: Michael Terranova
  • Hall Spirit Award: Jack Kieffaber

Badin Hall

  • Citation of Merit Award: Angela Rogers
  • Hall Spirit Award: Shelene Baiyee

Breen-Phillips Hall

  • Citation of Merit Award: Katherine H. Mason
  • Hall Spirit Award: Reagan E. Mulqueen

Carroll Hall

  • Citation of Merit Award: Garrett W. Rethman
  • Hall Spirit Award: Christian A. Cyrul

Cavanaugh Hall

  • Citation of Merit Award: Vaishali Nayak
  • Hall Spirit Award: Madison "Madi" McGhee

Dillon Community Living in Baumer Hall

  • Citation of Merit Award: Christian Dennis
  • Hall Spirit Award: Joseph Drey

Duncan Hall

  • Citation of Merit Award: Christopher Florimonte
  • Hall Spirit Award: Kyle Tomshack

Dunne Hall

  • Citation of Merit Award: Justin McLellan
  • Hall Spirit Award: Hugo Kostelni

Farley Hall

  • Citation of Merit Award: Molly Melican
  • Hall Spirit Award: Kathleen Liebscher 

Fisher Hall

  • Citation of Merit Award: Frank J. Dijak
  • Hall Spirit Award: Owen R. Harte

Flaherty Hall

  • Citation of Merit Award: Madison Mettey
  • Hall Spirit Award: Hannah Morris

Howard Hall

  • Citation of Merit Award: Erica A. Vossen
  • Hall Spirit Award: Tess A. Marvin

Johnson Community Living in Pangborn Hall

  • Citation of Merit Award: Claudia Torres
  • Hall Spirit Award: Emily Daly

Keenan Hall

  • Citation of Merit Award: Jacob S. Kalathoor
  • Hall Spirit Award: Kevin Maus

Keough Hall

  • Citation of Merit Award: William L. Cunningham
  • Hall Spirit Award: Nicholas Schleith

Knott Hall

  • Citation of Merit Award: Joseph Cozzi
  • Hall Spirit Award: Nicolas Robalin

Lewis Hall

  • Citation of Merit Award: Jen Lies
  • Hall Spirit Award: Margaret Swiecicki

Lyons Hall

  • Citation of Merit Award: Noel C. FioRito
  • Hall Spirit Award: Lillian Merrigan

McGlinn Hall

  • Citation of Merit Award: Colleen Ballantyne
  • Hall Spirit Award: Christina Schuler

Morrissey Hall

  • Citation of Merit Award: Ryan Bigej
  • Hall Spirit Award: Sean Kelly

O’Neill Family Hall

  • Citation of Merit Award: Benjamin J. Yankelitis
  • Hall Spirit Award: Noah A. Peterson

Pasquerilla East Hall

  • Citation of Merit Award: McKenna Cassidy
  • Hall Spirit Award: Colleen Freeman

Pasquerilla West Hall

  • Citation of Merit Award: Theresa Rice
  • Hall Spirit Award: Peyton Davis

Ryan Hall

  • Citation of Merit Award: Kassadee Ifft
  • Hall Spirit Award: Erin Albertini 

Siegfried Hall

  • Citation of Merit Award: Michael Breslin
  • Hall Spirit Award: Andy Slavin

Sorin Hall

  • Citation of Merit Award: Victor J. Pologruto
  • Hall Spirit Award: Mark A. Spretnjak

St. Edward’s Hall

  • Citation of Merit Award: Joshua B. Blossfeld
  • Hall Spirit Award: Cole R. Edwards

Stanford Hall

  • Citation of Merit Award: Ryan M. Govi
  • Hall Spirit Award: John J. Corcoran

Walsh Hall

  • Citation of Merit Award: Alexandra M. Tan
  • Hall Spirit Award: Holly L. Harris

Welsh Family Hall

  • Citation of Merit Award: Morgan Peck
  • Hall Spirit Award: Christina Murray

Zahm Hall

  • Citation of Merit Award: Will O'Hara
  • Hall Spirit Award: Tom Curran