Vaccination Update Follow-up

Author: Erin Hoffmann Harding and Mike Seamon

Mc 4

Dear undergraduate, graduate, and professional students,

Following up on Father Jenkins’ message last week, we are delighted to provide further details about the relaxation of several campus health protocols thanks to your terrific vaccine participation. These changes take effect beginning tomorrow, Wednesday, April 21.

  • Students who do not live in the same residence hall may socialize 24 hours a day in designated 24-hour common spaces in each hall and also continue to attend all hall Masses. Masks, occupancy, and distancing guidelines must be observed at all times. Students from the same hall may continue to visit one another’s rooms. Guests are limited to no more than two students beyond the number of residents assigned to the student room/suite. When resident guests are present in student rooms, everyone in the room must wear masks, distance appropriately, and leave doors open to increase ventilation.
  • The maximum number at informal gatherings outdoors is increased from 10 to 25. Indoor gatherings should continue to be limited to 10 individuals or less and include wearing masks and practicing physical distancing.
  • Basketball rims and volleyball nets are being reinstalled outside. Additional details about intramural and club sports will be shared on an individual sport/activity basis with participants by a member of RecSports.
  • The policy for wearing masks outdoors has been modified. Masks will still be required outdoors for all University programs because these events involve larger groups. Masks are otherwise not required outdoors. For example, you do not need to wear a mask when walking between classes, when sitting informally on the Lawns or quads, or when you are running with others on campus. You should, however, continue to carry a mask with you at all times. If you are asked to wear a mask by a HERE Ambassador or other campus safety official, please comply. 

All other health and safety protocols remain in place, including masking indoors (and inside the classroom); maintaining physical distancing; washing your hands; showing up for surveillance testing; and completing the Daily Health Check. Please continue to comply with all other aspects of the Campus Compact.

Please remember to receive your second vaccination dose beginning next Thursday, April 29. Once second vaccine doses are administered at our on-campus vaccination site, we will provide an update on reduced frequency for weekly surveillance testing and exit testing for those who are vaccinated. In the meantime, students should continue to report for testing when called.

The Senior Class Council and Senior Week Committee will soon share information about several great in-person events that will be offered following finals and prior to Commencement weekend. These student leaders have done a wonderful job working with the Student Activities Office and local health officials to plan memorable, celebratory, and safe events.

Finally, we invite you to pause and reflect on how far we have come as individuals and a community this academic year. The final mini-break day tomorrow is one opportunity to intentionally integrate rest, restoration, and recovery into the conclusion of the spring semester. The McDonald Center for Student Well-Being (McWell) and other campus partners will offer a variety of activities throughout the day to support your well-being. Visit the McWell website for a list of ways to rest and restore, including a campus pilgrimage, a peaceful places scavenger hunt, and make-your-own self-care kits. Register ahead of time to reserve a spot for yoga, shared walks, or a virtual escape room.

We are so proud of and grateful for your amazing participation in our campus vaccination efforts. Congratulations, and know of our best wishes for these last few weeks of the semester.

In Notre Dame,

Erin Hoffmann Harding
Vice President for Student Affairs

Mike Seamon
Vice President for Campus Safety and University Operations