Student Affairs E-newsletter: Sept. 9, 2020

Author: Kate Morgan

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Support, Resources, and Programming

The Division of Student Affairs aspires to serve as a trusted resource, helping to connect students with information regarding health, development, faith, residential life, extracurricular interests, and future endeavors. For questions or concerns, please email

HERE This Week

The University recently announced Library Lawn, a new comfortable, inviting space for students between the Hesburgh Library and Notre Dame Stadium. Complete with Adirondack chairs, fire pits, and pergolas, the space, as well as Notre Dame Stadium, provides a welcoming setting for students to engage in informal gatherings and physically distanced activities throughout the 2020 Fall Semester. Learn more about Library Lawn events, hours, and amenities here

To provide students with a more comprehensive list of upcoming student programs and events, the University recently added a new student calendar to the website. HERE you will find virtual and in-person opportunities to engage socially, emotionally, spiritually, and physically on campus.

Any member of the campus community can share concerns about individuals engaged in unsafe practices by using this form. The relevant University office will follow up on these reports promptly.

Students who have questions or concerns related to testing, the daily health check, contact tracing, quarantine and isolation, or any other University resources or protocols can also call the 24/7 CRU hotline at 574-634-HERE or email

Health and Wellness Resources


  • Conversations about Race: UCC Virtual Workshop
    Wednesday, Sept. 9, 4 - 5 p.m.

    In light of current events regarding racial violence and injustice, the University Counseling Center (UCC) would like to provide a safe space for students of color to process their reactions and emotions. Dr. Gabrielle Pointon will facilitate the discussion among students. Please sign up HERE by 11 a.m. on Wednesday Sept. 9 to gain access to your Zoom meeting link, which will be emailed to you 10 minutes before the start of the workshop.
  • Dropping the Facade: UCC Real Conversations Series
    Thursday, Sept. 10, 11 a.m. - Noon

    Tired of presenting the image that you have it all together? Here's an opportunity to start being real. Please sign up HERE by 3 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 10 to gain access to the Zoom meeting link, which will be emailed 10 minutes before the start of the session.
  • Overcoming Social Discomfort: UCC Real Conversations Series
    Monday, Sept. 14, 4 - 5 p.m.

    Social discomfort? Totally normal, but you can't let fear of judgment, rejection, or making mistakes get in the way of the kind of life you want to live. Please sign up HERE by 3 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 14 to gain access to the Zoom meeting link, which will be emailed 10 minutes before the start of the forum.
  • Fall Group Counseling
    A variety of group counseling sessions are offered weekly throughout the academic year. Click here to learn more. 


As the University resumes in-person instruction, the McDonald Center for Student Well-Being (McWell) will phase in evening hours beginning this week. Until Friday, Sept. 18, McWell’s Restorative Spaces will be available for reservations until 8 p.m. on Monday and Wednesday and 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. On Monday, Sept. 21, the spaces will be open until 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday. To view and reserve available spaces, please click here

Campus Ministry

Are you looking for ways to grow in your spiritual life or deepen your relationship with Jesus? Would you like to talk about what's going on in your life or how you're navigating some of the challenging circumstances of our world? A lay Campus Minister or priest is available every Monday through Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m. in 113 Coleman-Morse (across from the marble ball) to listen, offer guidance, and share the wisdom and hope our faith provides. No appointment necessary, just drop in.

With so many things happening in the world, on our campus, and in our own individual lives, it can be helpful to address challenges, joys, and questions. Campus Ministry is here to serve as a conversation partner and offer faith as a rich resource from which to draw hope and direction. Schedule a one-time pastoral conversation with a Campus Minister here.

Whether you have big questions about discerning a vocation or are simply looking to dive deeper into your relationship with God, Spiritual Direction offers the opportunity to meet regularly with someone to accompany you on your journey. Please email Mike Urbaniak at to get connected with someone who can walk with you.

Daily Adoration is open to all students in the Coleman-Morse Chapel every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Please consider signing up for and keeping a regular Adoration time this semester to ensure someone is always in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. Sign up for a half-hour time slot here.

Student Activities Office

The Student Activities Office will host its annual Activities Fair virtually this Sunday, Sept. 13 from 2 to 6 p.m. Open to students interested in joining one or more of the 500+ undergraduate and graduate clubs and organizations at Notre Dame, the online event provides a simple and convenient way for students to explore new opportunities and find community. Learn more about the event and how to join here.