Student Affairs E-newsletter: November 28, 2023

Author: Kate Morgan

Header reads "Division of Student Affairs Newsletter" in gold and blue.

Support, Resources, and Programming

The Division of Student Affairs aspires to serve as a trusted resource, helping to connect students with information regarding health, development, faith, residential life, extracurricular interests, and future endeavors. For questions or concerns, please email

Celebrating Native American Heritage Month

November is Native American Heritage Month, which seeks to honor the indigenous peoples of the United States. A variety of student clubs and campus offices hosted events throughout the month to both foster inclusivity and celebrate those whose land we occupy as members of the Notre Dame community.

Student Affairs and Student Government would like to acknowledge our presence on the traditional homelands of Native peoples, including the Haudenosauneega, Miami, Peoria, and particularly the Pokégnek Bodéwadmik/Pokagon Potawatomi, who have used this land for education for many years and will continue to do so for many years to come. We hope you were able to take some time this month to recognize the contributions and sovereignty of Native Americans throughout our country.

Gender Relations Center (GRC)

Wednesday, November 29, 7 - 8 p.m., LaFortune Student Center, McNeill Room
All are invited to join the GRC LGBTQ Firestarters to discuss navigating difficult conversations at home during the holiday season. Students will also enjoy gingerbread house making and a dessert bar! 

Family Resource Center (FRC)

For a student facing a planned or unplanned pregnancy, the physical, emotional, and spiritual issues can seem overwhelming. In keeping with its mission as a Catholic University, Notre Dame is committed to life and to offering students resources that support life. Therefore, the University will make every effort to provide pregnant students with caring, non-judgmental, professional assistance and support. Assistance is also available for those affected by the pregnancy of someone close to them. For more information, please email Peggy Hnatusko, FRC Pregnancy Support Specialist.

Student Health and Wellness

Notre Dame offers students resources to address sleep-related issues that are aligned with mental health, bedtime rituals, environment, and more. Places such as the McDonald Center for Student Well-Being (McWell), the University Counseling Center (UCC), the Center for Student Support and Care, and University Health Services (UHS) are all departments you can consult if you are experiencing trouble sleeping.

A lack of sleep hinders your mind and body’s ability to recover from the day because, among other things, it cuts short Rapid-Eye Movement (REM) stages of sleep. REM disruption can cause a decreased mental focus and acuity, cranky or short-tempered behavior, an inability to retain important information or filter unimportant information, and disruption in long-term memory.

Good, quality sleep is an important foundation for mental health, mood/temperament, healthy habits, physical well-being, and your ability to focus.

Sign up for the Dreaming Domers program sponsored by McWell to receive a sleep kit and tips for sleeping via email. Additionally, be sure and also sign up for your free premium subscriptions to the Hallow and Calm apps.

If you are experiencing clinical sleep problems, please consult with the UCC or UHS. To assist with developing a daily routine please connect with the Center for Student Support and Care

Finals are fast-approaching, and you may be facing increased stress. The Self-Care for Stress Journey is the perfect tool to help relieve the pressure that so many of you may be feeling right now. Users can work through the full journey or select individual pieces of content to boost their confidence heading into finals, including:

- Test Day Yoga
- How to Practice Mindfulness in Four Steps
- Grounding Techniques
- Pep Walk Meditations
Register for TimelyCare here.

This Advent, join C.S. Lewis and acclaimed actors Liam Neeson and Jonathan Roumie for a reflection and prayer challenge on the Hallow app. Click here to view a sneak peek of the challenge themes, hear Liam’s favorite passage from the challenge, and to learn how prayer life will transform you like never before. To access your free Hallow subscription, click here. Simply fill in your name and Notre Dame student email address, and create a password.

McDonald Center for Student Well-Being (McWell)

Thursday, December 7, 9 - 11 p.m., Howard Park
To celebrate the last day of class for the fall semester, McWell and ZeroProof Social Group are going ice skating! Sign up to join us at Howard Park in Downtown South Bend. There is no cost for skating and transportation will be provided.

Tuesdays, 5:45 - 6:45 p.m., Coleman-Morse Center, Room 201
A new alcohol anonymous (Al-Anon) meeting has formed for students seeking peer support in navigating life as a family member of an individual with a drinking problem. Meetings will be held on Tuesday evenings during the academic year. Please email Mara Trionfero Lucas with any questions.

Looking for a fun way to improve your sleep and a chance to win a prize? Join the McWell Sleep for Success Text challenge. From Monday, December 4 through Friday, December 8, McWell will focus on healthy sleep habits. You will also have the chance to win a sleep prize pack! Text ‘@sleepnd’ to 81010 to join by Friday, December 1.  

Campus Ministry

Sunday, December 3, 7:15 - 8:15 p.m., Basilica of the Sacred Heart

Join Campus Ministry for the annual Advent Lessons and Carols to begin the season in prayer. This special prayer service celebrating the scriptures and music of the Advent season will feature the Folk Choir, Liturgical Choir, Magnificat Choir, and Basilica Schola. All are welcome!