Student Affairs E-newsletter: Nov. 22, 2022

Author: Kate Morgan

Header reads "Division of Student Affairs Newsletter" in gold and blue.

Support, Resources, and Programming

The Division of Student Affairs aspires to serve as a trusted resource, helping to connect students with information regarding health, development, faith, residential life, extracurricular interests, and future endeavors. For questions or concerns, please email

Gender Relations Center (GRC)

Calling all students! Join the Firestarter program in the GRC for the second semester. The Firestarters meet weekly on Mondays at 9 p.m. in both large and small groups to help plan programs, discussions, and events. The commitment is two to five hours per week. Small groups include the following: 

  • Relationships and Authenticity: Thinking about a healthy sense of self, your identity, and forming healthy friendships and intimate relationships
  • Violence Prevention: Working on sexual assault prevention and healthy relationships
  • LGBTQ: Discussing issues relevant to LGBTQ students at Notre Dame and conducting ally trainings and awareness events
  • Gender Equity and Intersectionality: Looking at women's issues and holding events such as Women's History Month

If you are interested in joining, please fill out this form by Friday, Dec. 2, 2022 and someone will be in touch.

Center for Student Support and Care

With inclement weather upon us, the Sara Bea Accessibility Services team is introducing a new form to report physical barriers to students on campus. Physical barriers can include cracked sidewalks, non-functioning automatic doors, snow removal concerns, or inaccessible web page layouts. Please complete this form to report any physical barriers to access you are experiencing on campus. Once submitted, a staff member will review the report and notify the appropriate campus office within two business days. For questions on how to complete this form, please contact Sara Bea Accessibility Services at (574) 631-7833 or

Please note that this tool is not a reporting tool for incidents of bias, discrimination and/or harrassment. To report these incidents to the University administration, please complete the Speak Up online form


Wednesday, Nov. 23 - Sunday, Nov. 27, Rockne Memorial, North Dome, Smith Center
All RecSports facilities will close early on Wednesday, Nov. 23 and will remain closed from Thursday, Nov. 24 through Sunday, Nov. 27 for the Thanksgiving holiday. Group fitness classes will also pause from Monday, Nov. 21 through Monday, Nov. 28. Visit for more information.

McDonald Center for Student Well-Being (McWell)

Apply for a McWell sponsored Mini Grant at Through one of many organizations on campus, your club or residence hall can be eligible for funding for a late night social or engaging event up to $150 on the weekend or during a high risk time. Make sure to get applications in soon to allow for ample time for review.  

With 2023 right around the corner, students will face finals, holidays, break, and the start of a new semester in the blink of an eye. For some, this may be a stressful time. Join McWell to receive weekly tips via text to continue to practice wellness wherever you are, Thanksgiving to next semester! Sign up here

Looking for a fun way to improve your wellness and win prizes? Join McWell’s monthly WellnessTXT Challenge to participate in themed challenges that support your well-being via text. From Wednesday, Nov. 30 through Sunday, Dec. 4 we will focus on mindfulness, and students will have the chance to win a mindfulness prize pack! Text @getwellND to 81010 to join through Tuesday, Nov. 29.

University Counseling Center (UCC)

Wednesdays, 3 – 4 p.m., Hesburgh Library, Room 123
Let’s Talk is a free and confidential program designed to serve the needs of students through brief, 15 to 20-minute consultations that occur outside the UCC in an easily accessible location on campus. At these consultations, the Let's Talk consultant is available to offer support, solutions, and resources for any student with concerns related to stress, sadness, anxiety, difficulty adjusting to college life, academic concerns, family problems, and relationship concerns. Let’s Talk is best suited for students who are:

  • Unsure about counseling and are trying to figure out what it is like to talk with a counselor
  • Not interested in ongoing counseling but would like the perspective of a counselor on a specific issue
  • Interested in talking to someone about a specific problem
  • Concerned about a friend and would like a counselor’s perspective on what to do

Campus Ministry

With a heart for service to those most in need, Campus Ministry has adopted a family of 10 through Saint Vincent de Paul and is excited to shower them with love this Christmas. You are invited to participate by providing gifts for any member of the family and/or purchasing gift cards to make their Christmas dinner. Please sign up here by Wednesday, Nov. 30. All gifts must be delivered to the Coleman-Morse Center, room 102, by Monday, Dec. 5 at 5 p.m.

Whether or not you donate, all are welcome to join Campus Ministry staff to wrap the presents and listen to festive music on Wednesday, Dec. 7 at 4 p.m. in the Coleman-Morse Center First-floor Lounge. Please email Becky Czarnecki with any questions.

Join Campus Ministry for our first Faith + Justice immersion trip the weekend before class begins, Friday, Jan. 13 through Sunday, Jan. 15, right here in South Bend. Witness and experience a day in the life of a homeless person living on the streets of our city, interwoven with experiences of prayer, Scripture, Catholic social tradition, and quiet reflection. Participants will spend Friday evening and Sunday morning learning and reflecting on campus and spend Saturday in South Bend engaging their understanding of social justice.

All students are welcome, but spots are limited. The cost is $20, with financial aid available. Indicate your interest by completing this form or email Becky Czarnecki with questions. 

Family Resource Center (FRC)

The FRC provides resources, support, programming, and educational opportunities to married, parenting, and/or pregnant Notre Dame students. In addition, it serves as a resource to pregnant students who may be in need of someone to walk with them no matter their academic process at the University. The FRC is located in Beichner Hall, which serves as a centralized student center geared toward Notre Dame's parenting and/or pregnant student population. The building includes a reading lounge, children's playroom, gathering space, meeting room, and a supply closet where students may get free diapers and clothing for their children. If you would like more information about the FRC, please email us at or visit our website at