Student Affairs E-newsletter: March 5, 2024

Author: Kate Morgan

Header reads "Division of Student Affairs Newsletter" in gold and blue.

Support, Resources, and Programming

The Division of Student Affairs aspires to serve as a trusted resource, helping to connect students with information regarding health, development, faith, residential life, extracurricular interests, and future endeavors. For questions or concerns, please email

Memorial Mass for Spencer Vermeule

All are invited to join the Notre Dame community tonight at 9 p.m. in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart to celebrate Mass in memory of sophomore student Spencer Vermeule.

University President, Fr. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C., will preside, and Assistant Vice President for Campus Ministry, Fr. Pete McCormick, C.S.C., will preach. For those who wish to attend virtually, the Mass will be live-streamed and can be viewed here.

Campus Ministry (574-631-7800) and the University Counseling Center (574-631-7336) continue to be available to offer support to members of the campus community.

Campus Ministry

Mondays - Thursdays, 5 - 7 p.m., Coleman-Morse Center, Room 113
Feeling the tensions and pulls of the middle of the semester? Questions arising as we approach the end of the year? Want to talk about how Lent is going? Stop by "Need to Talk?" to chat with one of our campus ministers any Monday through Thursday from 5 to 7 p.m. If that time doesn't work, you can request a meeting time here. Meeting times are also available over Spring Break by request.

Apply to be a Senior Fellow

The Senior Fellows program is an opportunity for seniors who live on campus to serve in leadership roles that focus on specific University priorities. Students who serve as Fellows will receive an annual minimum $4,500 stipend for 8 hours of work each week and have the opportunity to be mentored and developed as leaders across a variety of specific content areas. The program is open to all rising seniors living on campus for the duration of the 2024-2025 academic year.

Senior Fellow roles are available through the Family Resource Center, the Gender Relations Center, greeNDot, the McDonald Center for Student Well-Being, Multicultural Student Programs and Services, Notre Dame International, the Office of Student Enrichment, Residential Life, and the Transformational Leaders Program. Applications are now open and are due on Friday, March 8. Learn more about each Senior Fellow role here.

Student Health and Wellness

National Sleep Awareness Week

Did you know a good night’s sleep can improve your physical and mental health? It might seem hard to accomplish when you have a lot on your mind and a never-ending to-do list, but we can all do our best to develop a better sleep routine that works for our lives.

Get started with these curated sleep resources from Calm:

Sleep Stories
- Crossing Ireland by Train, narrated by Cillian Murphy, transports listeners on a magical trip across the sweeping landscapes of Ireland.
- Extreme Sleeps: Mt. Everest, narrated by Anna Acton, helps you find slumber on the highest mountain in the world.

Falling Back to Sleep: Use this sleep meditation session to let go of your thoughts so you can effortlessly get a good night’s sleep.

Infinite Piano for Sleep: Click play once and enjoy piano music created by real musicians for as long as you need until you fall asleep.

Rolling Thunderstorm: Listen to the sounds of rolling thunderstorms as you close your eyes and fall asleep.

The Calm app is the #1 app for sleep, meditation, and relaxation. Notre Dame offers students a free, premium subscription. To take advantage of this offer, sign up here.

For those who are leaving campus, be sure to plan ahead to stay safe especially if choosing to drink alcohol. Follow these tips while on Spring Break:

- Drink water to stay hydrated
- Turn on Find My Friends on your electronic device and stick together
- Know what you’re consuming and stay away from unknown substances
- Designate a sober member of the group
- Be a good bystander by using the 3 D’s: direct, distract, delegate
- Focus on fun that leaves you restored for the last push of the semester

Beginning Monday, March 18, 6 - 7:30 p.m., LaFortune Student Center Dooley Room, Room 102

The Student Health and Wellness Unit is excited to share with you the opportunity to participate in free Wellness and Resilience workshops that teach strategies and skills to help you reach your goal, manage stress, and strengthen your relationships. Sign up for a six-week session beginning Monday, March 18 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Meet every Monday and learn actionable strategies to help:

- Build strong relationships
- Juggle the demands of student life
- Manage stress, change, and adversity
- Meet your academic goals
- Launch your post-Notre Dame career

The workshops are open to all Notre Dame students and are offered in person. This is a great opportunity to learn new strategies in a casual, fun, environment, and to meet and build relationships with other Notre Dame students.

Center for Student Support and Care

Applying for accommodations on standardized tests can be a daunting task, and oftentimes information is overwhelming and confusing. In an effort to help disabled students with the process of requesting accommodations for these types of exams, Sara Bea Accessibility Services has gathered information about each exam in one place. The information included on this list is not exhaustive, but it does represent students’ most common FAQs about standardized tests.

If you have any additional questions about testing accommodations or are looking for assistance connecting with other Sare Bea students who have previously completed the accommodations process for one of the exams on the list, please reach out to your assigned Access Consultant. A special thank you to student Stevie Sampedro for collaborating with the Center and helping to publish such a wonderful resource for Notre Dame students.


The Center for Student Support and Care offers skills mentoring to help current Notre Dame students foster the skills, behaviors, and habits that can contribute to their success.

Students meet with their Skills Mentor on a regular basis for customized sessions specific to the student’s individual needs. Many students find that working with a Skills Mentor not only serves to develop important life skills, but also provides a consistent point of accountability. Regular check-ins with a Skills Mentor helps students with motivating, prioritizing, and achieving success in the classroom.

University Counseling Center (UCC)

Thursday, April 11, 1 - 2:30 p.m., Corbett Family Hall, Room 138
Graduate Teaching Assistants are often well-positioned to spot students who may be facing mental health struggles. Want to learn more about how to help a student in distress? I CAN Help is a training designed to help identify students who are at risk, respond in a compassionate and helpful manner, and connect them with resources. If you are currently working as a Graduate Teaching Assistant, this training session is for you. Sign up here

McDonald Center for Student Well-Being (McWell)

Alcohol and Wellness
When the sun goes down, so does the temperature. Winter isn’t over yet. Plan ahead to stay safe if you’re going out. Prepare yourself for the night ahead by checking the forecast and dressing warm; make a plan for transportation; stick with your friends and keep an eye on each other; and call for help if you see someone exposed to the elements or experiencing alcohol poisoning. Signs of alcohol poisoning include:

- Skin is cold, clammy, pale, or bluish in color
- Shallow, slow, or irregular breathing
- Vomiting while passed out
- Cannot be awakened

University Health Services (UHS)

Due to an increase in stomach flu in our campus community, here are some things to know: Gastroenteritis (GI) is usually a viral illness that may cause nausea, vomiting, watery diarrhea, stomach cramps, and occasionally fever. Although it’s commonly called “stomach flu,” GI is not the same as influenza. While influenza tends to affect your respiratory system, the stomach flu attacks your intestines. Treatment and symptom management of the stomach flu may include:

- Thorough and frequent handwashing
- Stomach rest
- Consuming small amounts of bland and easily digestible foods
- Avoiding dairy, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, and fatty/highly seasoned foods

Over-the-counter medications such as bismuth tablets, Pepto Bismol, Imodium AD, or Emetrol may prove helpful. Avoid ibuprofen as it may further irritate the stomach lining. Be sure to contact UHS at 574-631-7497 or schedule an appointment online through your patient portal if you are experiencing a fever of 102 degrees or higher, have severe abdominal pain, develop bloody diarrhea, or feel very dehydrated.