Student Affairs E-newsletter: January 30, 2024

Author: Kate Morgan

Header reads "Division of Student Affairs Newsletter" in gold and blue.

Support, Resources, and Programming

The Division of Student Affairs aspires to serve as a trusted resource, helping to connect students with information regarding health, development, faith, residential life, extracurricular interests, and future endeavors. For questions or concerns, please email

Center for Career Development

Tuesday, January 30, 5 - 7:30 p.m., 7th and 8th floors, Duncan Student Center
Join us tonight for our spring semester career fair, which provides all undergraduate and graduate students with the best opportunity to meet with a wide variety of employers across all industries, in one centralized location. To register or to learn more, please visit

Campus Ministry

Thursday, February 1, 5:30 p.m., Coleman-Morse, Room 301
Sophomores and Juniors: Interested in sharing your gifts with the Notre Dame community through Campus Ministry next year? Consider learning more about becoming an Anchor Intern at our upcoming informational session. Applications are open now and due by Monday, February 12 using this link. You can still apply even if you are unable to attend the session. For more information, please email Mike Urbaniak.

Sunday, February 4, 1 - 2 p.m., Basilica of the Sacred Heart
Tuesday, February 6, 7 - 8 p.m., Basilica of the Sacred Heart
Tuesday, February 6, 8 - 9 p.m., Basilica of the Sacred Heart (Altar Servers only)
Join the Basilica team of Liturgical Ministers! Any new volunteers interested in serving as a Lector, Hospitality Minister, or Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion must attend a one-time training in the Basilica to learn the role and get to know others interested in being involved. For these roles, volunteers only need to attend one of the two training sessions on either Sunday, February 4 or Tuesday, February 6. All new and returning Altar Servers must attend the training session on Tuesday, February 6. Please email Megan Urbaniak with any questions.

Applications due by Friday, February 9
Campus Ministry will host a trip to this year's National Eucharistic Congress, which takes place from Wednesday, July 17 through Sunday, July 21 in Indianapolis. This Congress is the culmination of the three-year Eucharistic Revival in the United States and seeks to renew knowledge of and devotion to the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. This trip is open to all rising sophomores through rising seniors and will cover the cost of lodging and registration for the Congress. If you are interested in attending, please fill out this application form by Friday, February 9. Spots are limited, so please be thoughtful in submitting your application. Please email Fr. Brian Ching, C.S.C., with any questions.


Wednesday, February 7, 4:30 - 5:30 p.m., Smith Center, Studio 4
New and experienced yogis are welcome to try Yin Yoga! This specific practice will target your deep connective tissues and encourage you to connect with your thoughts. Find space to turn inward while moving slowly and intentionally through your flow. Register today!

Student Health and Wellness

As we prepare for Lent, a deeply spiritual and vital season of our faith, we’re excited to announce the Hallow Pray40 challenge waitlist is now open.

Starting on Ash Wednesday, February 14, you will have the chance to pray with millions of others in the 40 days leading up to Easter Sunday. The Lenten Pray40 challenge will walk through the life-changing, spiritual classic He Leadeth Me, written by Fr. Walter J. Ciszek, S.J.

Click here to get started. 

“Optimism does not mean being blind to the actual reality of a situation. It means maintaining a positive spirit to continue to seek a solution to any given problem. And it means recognizing that any given situation has many different aspects - positive as well as problematic.” - Dalai Lama.

Sign up for a free Wellness and Resilience workshop to learn more about the science of optimism, and how to build strong relationships; juggle the demands of student life; manage stress, change, and adversity; meet your academic goals; and launch your post-Notre Dame career. 

University Counseling Center (UCC)

I CAN Help
I CAN Help is a suicide prevention and mental health literacy training designed to help faculty, staff, and students identify students who are at risk, respond in a compassionate and helpful way, and connect them to resources. Visit the UCC website to learn more about ways you can sign up for a scheduled training, or schedule a training for your department, club, team, organization, residence hall, or student group.

Are you looking to foster authentic connections? The UCC offers a variety of groups, support spaces, and workshops addressing many topics. Groups are filling fast and starting soon. Visit the UCC website for more information.

Mondays, 12 - 1:15 p.m., Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

This is a safe space designed for Black men on Notre Dame’s campus to connect, share experiences, and have thoughtful discussions about being a Black man in today’s world and at the University.

Thursdays, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m., Saint Liam Hall Third Floor

Join the UCC as we explore themes of pain, joy, healing, self-worth, acceptance, self-discovery, shame, stigma, anger, and discrimination in the lives of Black women. Students must attend a Drop-In appointment at the UCC to sign up for this group.

Friday, February 2, 2:45 - 3:45 p.m., Fitzpatrick Hall, Room 181

Women+ in STEM tend to feel pressure to succeed and provide evidence of their knowledge and abilities because they are in male-dominated fields. This space is an opportunity for Women+ in STEM to talk about challenges faced, experiences, and what it's like being a “first'' to achieve a monumental goal in their field.

Wednesdays, 4 - 5:30 p.m., Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Room 227

This three-session body acceptance workshop supports students in directly challenging the cultural messages that appearance should fit within a narrow set of “ideals” that exclude diverse bodies based on race, gender, sexuality, and ability. All students are welcome to attend. You do not need to use any other UCC service or attend a Drop-In appointment to come to any workshop or support space. We do ask that you try to attend all three sessions. Visit the UCC website for scheduled series dates throughout the semester.

Thursdays, 3 - 4:30 p.m., Saint Liam Hall Third Floor Conference Room

This support space encourages students to form friendships with their fellow group members through writing, sharing, listening, and asking questions of each other. Each session will include the following:

- Write: Prompts are offered for you to reflect on your strengths, preferences, and experiences of well-being
- Share: Read your writing aloud or talk about your experiences of writing
- Listen and Build Community: Listen and ask questions. Connect with others and what they choose to share

Registration is not required, but appreciated. Sign up here

McDonald Center for Student Well-Being (McWell)

Tuesdays, 5:45 - 6:45 p.m., Main Building, Room 404
If someone close to you, such as a parent, family member, or friend has or has had a drinking problem, the Al-Anon 12-step recovery program may be able to help. In Al-Anon we have discovered no situation to be hopeless, and the possibilities in finding contentment, and even happiness, whether your loved one is still drinking or not. Many of Al-Anon’s members have found solutions that have led to serenity. If you are a current undergraduate or graduate student who has been affected by someone else’s drinking, please join us for New Beginnings with Al-Anon. For more information, please contact Mary at (407) 616-0813.

This event has been updated to a new date and time.
Friday, February 9, Time TBD, Raclin Murphy Museum of Art
Join the Raclin Murphy Student Programming Committee and McWell for another Art and Wellness wintertime event. Complete arts and crafts and eat some snacks as you kick-off the spring semester.

Be on the lookout for the Create the Light Peaceful Places Scavenger Hunt! Look for signs on campus and visit all eight places over the next couple weeks to win a prize.

Start the semester off strong by participating in this text challenge designed to help you find what matters to you! Sign up here

University Health Services (UHS)

Perma clouds have descended on South Bend and cold weather is now upon us. During this time, you may be dealing with colds, influenza, and COVID, but could also be struggling with your mental health. Some people have more serious mood changes year after year, lasting through the fall and winter when there’s less natural sunlight. What is it about the darkening days that can leave us down in the dumps? What can we do about these so-called “winter blues”?

Think about doing things you may enjoy, such as spending time with family, friends, or loved ones. Other options include opening your curtains or blinds to brighten your space, exercising regularly, eating healthy, and maintaining a sleep routine.

Sometimes, these mood changes are more serious and can affect how you feel, think, and behave long term. If you have noticed significant changes in your mood and behavior when the seasons change, you may be experiencing seasonal affective disorder (SAD). In most cases, SAD symptoms start in the late fall or early winter. They tend to go away during the spring or summer. This is known as winter-pattern SAD. If symptoms last more than two weeks, you may be experiencing winter depression. Light therapy, psychotherapy, medications prescribed by your doctor, or vitamin D supplements can help.

Get fit and stay fit! Some decide to exercise more due to their New Year's resolutions while others workout to combat winter blues. Whatever your reason may be, it is always a great idea to get to the gym. Some incentives to exercising include having a healthy body and mind, managing stress, improving time management, and increasing energy and self-confidence. Here are some tips to help you stick to a fitness routine that works for you:

- Choose something you like to do
- Choose exercises and routines you can do with others to hold each other accountable
- Start slowly to minimize physical discomfort or injury
- Set yourself up for success by making achievable goals
- Gradually build up frequency, intensity, and duration
- If it doesn’t work, change it! Running may not be your thing, but you just might love spin class

If you fall off the exercise wagon, get back up! Missing a few workouts does not mean you have to start again from scratch. It takes about three weeks for the cardiovascular system to significantly lose what it has gained and about eight weeks of not doing strength training to lose muscle strength. Start the year off strong and follow UHS on Instagram for encouraging health and fitness facts to help get you through the semester.