Student Affairs E-newsletter: February 6, 2024

Author: Kate Morgan

Header reads "Division of Student Affairs Newsletter" in gold and blue.

Support, Resources, and Programming

The Division of Student Affairs aspires to serve as a trusted resource, helping to connect students with information regarding health, development, faith, residential life, extracurricular interests, and future endeavors. For questions or concerns, please email

Honoring Black History Month

Throughout the month of February, Notre Dame Student Government and the Division of Student Affairs encourage students, faculty, and staff to honor Black History Month by celebrating the many contributions and achievements of Black people in both the Notre Dame community and throughout the world.

We hope you take time this month to reflect upon the Black experience, recognize the vast impact and influence of Black individuals, learn more about the expansive elements of Black culture, and attend important programming scheduled this month and in the year ahead.

Gender Relations Center (GRC)

Wednesday, February 7, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m., LaFortune, Room 202 (History Maker's Room)
Come grab some Chipotle as you listen to Eric Styles (Carroll Hall), Michael Davis (Siegfried Hall), and others discuss how to build healthy communities in men’s residence halls.


Tuesday, February 13, 9:30 - 10:30 a.m., Rockne Memorial, Room 205
Prenatal and postnatal yoga classes are designed specifically for pregnant women, but all are welcome. The class will focus on strengthening the muscles used during childbirth and promoting relaxation and stress relief. Register here.

Tuesday, February 20, 6:45 - 7:45 p.m., Smith Center, Studio 4
This class is a sequence of yoga postures that harness and honor the moon's energy, and is ideal for those looking to strengthen the lower body or relieve stress and exhaustion. Moon Salutations are considered cooling and soothing for the body as opposed to the heating, invigorating nature of Sun Salutations. All levels of fitness are welcome! Register here.

Wednesday, February 21 and Thursday, February 22, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., DeBartolo Hall, Room 131
Do you love flag football? Are you looking for a way to get more involved on campus? Join RecSports for an officials clinic! All experience levels are welcome, and clinic participants are eligible for hire after attending. For more information, please email Von Williams.

Campus Ministry

Monday, February 12 - Wednesday, February 14, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. and 1 - 5 p.m., Coleman-Morse Center, Room 102
Leave your mark on Notre Dame! Campus Ministry is excited to announce that the widely renowned artist Br. Mickey McGrath, OSFS will paint an original mural on a wall in the Coleman-Morse Center. All students, staff, and faculty are invited to grab a paintbrush and contribute to the mural, which will feature a quote by the first Holy Cross person of color to be put forward for sainthood: Servant of God Theotonius Ganguly, C.S.C. Stop by CoMo 102 to paint Monday, February 12 through Wednesday, February 14, for any amount of time from 9 a.m. to noon or 1 to 5 p.m. each day! Finally, Br. Mickey will give a talk on diverse saints on Tuesday, February 13, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the CoMo Lounge with a Mardi Gras-themed reception to follow. Please email Mike Buckler with any questions.

Saturday, February 24
Campus Ministry will host the first Social Justice Retreat this year on Saturday, February 24! Come get to know like-minded students who are inspired by their faith to build a just world. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey (even if you aren't sure), ALL are welcome. Would you like to help plan the retreat or want first dibs on signing up? Let us know you are interested here. Please direct questions to Tyler Popa.

Thursday, February 15, 4 - 5 p.m., Coleman-Morse, Room 301
What’s your purpose? Who do you want to be? How is God calling you? Join us for the kick-off of our Passion & Purpose small group. We will explore these questions together through prayer, conversations, readings, tools, and reflections. Insomnia Cookies will be provided. Fill out this form to RSVP or email Mary Catherine McDonald for more information.

Would you like to draw nearer to God this Lent? Lenten small groups give students a space for discussion and faith sharing as we seek to know God's love more fully. This year we have four options for small groups:

1. A Lenten Bible study that explores several Scripture readings each week and how they invite us into the heart of Jesus.
2. I Am: Eucharistic Meditations on the Gospel, by Bl. Concepción Cabrera de Armida (Conchita). This 100-page book contains 31 short meditations on the Eucharist by Bl. Conchita, a Mexican wife, mother, mystic, and religious foundress.
3. The Road of Hope: A Gospel from Prison, by Ven. Francis-Xavier Nguyễn Văn Thuận. This 200-page book was written on slips of paper smuggled out of the communist prison camp where Vietnamese Cardinal Văn Thuận spent 13 years (including 9 in solitary confinement).
4. The Violence of Love, by St. Oscar Romero. This 200-page book is a collection of excerpts from the writings and homilies of Archbishop Romero, the famous Salvadoran Archbishop who was martyred for his defense of the marginalized.

No theological background required! Just sign up here and see what God will do in your heart this Lent. Please reach out to Meg Hunter-Kilmer with any questions.

Thursday, March 28 - Monday, April 1
Come keep watch and celebrate the Paschal Triduum with us this year. Students gather for an on-campus retreat during Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday. Students will attend the liturgies at the Basilica together and participate in two to three hours of retreat activities together. It is a great way to watch, pray, serve, and celebrate these important days together! For more information and to register for the retreat, visit our website. Please email Megan Urbaniak with questions.

Student Health and Wellness

Friday, February 9, 1 - 5 p.m., Saint Liam Hall, Room 307
greeNDot teaches, through the lens of the bystander, the skills necessary to recognize individual decisions, moments, values, and actions that contribute to a culture of harm and bystander inaction. It also provides strategies on how to act, both reactively and proactively, to these situations to contribute to a safer campus community. Sign up here.

This Lent, God doesn’t want us to go through the motions, give up chocolate, or be filled with vague aspirations to become a better person. He wants us to be transformed. Be amazed at what God can do for you by giving him just 10 minutes of your time. Join Mark Wahlberg, Fr. Mike Schmitz, Jonathan Roumie, and millions of others for Pray40 this Lent on your free Hallow account. Click here to get started.

University Counseling Center (UCC)

Therapy Assistance Online (TAO) provides students with access to resources specifically designed for university students. These resources can be especially helpful in providing new perspectives and teaching new ways to approach an emerging problem. Set up your TAO Connect account here by using your Notre Dame email address.

Are you looking to foster authentic connections? The UCC offers a variety of Group Counseling sessions, Support Spaces, and Workshops that address many different topics.

A Group Counseling session is therapy in a group format. Those who are interested in joining must complete a Drop-In appointment to determine whether group counseling or individual therapy is a better approach to care. Following the appointment and placement in the group, the expectation is that the student stays throughout the remainder of the semester. UCC Support Spaces are held at different locations outside of the Center and students are able to attend when, or if, their schedules allow without completing any other documentation. Workshops are engaging, classroom-like group opportunities where students are introduced to useful information on a particular topic and provided with an opportunity to better understand the topic experientially. Visit the UCC website for more information and a full list of groups, support spaces, and workshops.

Thursdays, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m., Saint Liam Hall, Third Floor
Join us at the UCC as we explore themes of pain, joy, healing, self-worth and acceptance, self-discovery, shame, stigma, anger, and discrimination in the lives of Black women. Complete a Drop-In appointment at the UCC to join this therapy group.

Mondays, 12 - 1:15 p.m., Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
This is a safe space designed for Black men on campus to connect, share experiences, and have thoughtful discussions about being a Black man in today’s world and at Notre Dame.

Wednesdays, 1 - 2 p.m., Saint Liam Hall, Room 314
This four-session workshop is specifically designed to help students develop the strategies to cope with depression and anxiety, improve sleep, and manage stress. Students are highly encouraged to attend all four sessions to maximize the desired outcomes.

Thursday, February 21, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m., Lafortune Student Center, Room 229
Join the UCC for a stress management and self-care workshop tailored to your needs as an international student. Develop emotional awareness, learn skills to manage stress, get your questions answered, and thrive in self-care! Because dinner will be provided, please RSVP no later than Friday, February 16. 

McDonald Center for Student Well-Being (McWell)

Saturday, February 9, 3 - 4:30 p.m., Raclin Murphy Museum of Art
Join McWell and Raclin Murphy to “explore the light” inside the Raclin Murphy Museum of Art. Wander around, create light-inspired crafts, discover wellness tips for this winter, and de-stress with tea and fruit.

The scavenger hunt has begun! Get outside and visit all eight places on campus before Friday, February 23 to claim your prize: warm, fuzzy socks. Visit the Light Hunt webpage for clues.

Feeling the effects of the gray days of winter? Turn the winter blahs into brighter days with these tips:

- Soak up as much sunlight as possible, whenever possible. Borrow a park pass from McWell to visit a local park.
- Use a bright light therapy box (Happy Lights) to help your body adjust to darker days. A limited supply of lights are available to borrow from McWell.
- Sign up for Dreaming Domers or download the Sleep Well Toolkit to support your sleep routine.
- Spend time in a cozy space. Reserve a Restorative Space at McWell.
- Move your body to support your well-being.
- Celebrate the season with winter-specific fun activities.
- Explore a new hobby or place to add joyfulness to your routine.
- Brighten someone else’s (and your own!) day with a kind word or act.
- Explore the uniqueness of winter with mindful curiosity. Check out TimelyCare for health coaching or the Calm App for mindfulness and meditation.
- Connect with UHS or UCC if the winter blues are impacting your daily life and regular routine.

McDonald Center for Student Well-Being senior fellows are launching a new newsletter! Well-Connected is your one-stop-shop for wellness tips, ways to broaden your social circle, and information about alcohol-free events on campus and in the South Bend community. Receive the weekly newsletter by subscribing here.

Tuesday, February 13, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., McDonald Center for Student Well-Being
While some students are participating in Lent and others are looking ahead to spring, this is a time of growth and renewal for many on campus. Challenge yourself to reflect on your relationship with alcohol as part of this process by pursuing new hobbies, new ways of connecting, and now models of fun for 40 days. In place of alcohol or other unhelpful habits, join us for activities and alcohol-free connection. Begin considering ways in which you may participate. Cookies, crafts, and Chipotle will be provided for McWell’s Dry40 kick-off event!

Join McWell and Zero Proof Social Group for their first Dry40 book club! The book club will focus on cultivating student connections and better understanding of self through shared readings, discussion, and reflection in a low stress environment. The first book to be discussed is The Power of Fun by Catherine Price. Sign up here for a copy of the book and to receive more information. 

University Health Services (UHS)

Know the facts. It’s that time of year again, and flu cases are on the rise. Prevent yourself from getting or spreading the flu by taking the right precautions and doing your part.

- Get vaccinated if you have not done so already. This will help lessen the severity of your symptoms if you do come down with the flu.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Cover your coughs and sneezes.
- Wash your hands with soap and warm water.

Flu symptoms include fever, cough, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headaches, chills, and fatigue. Some people may experience vomiting and diarrhea. Protect yourself, and others. Visit our website or follow UHS on Instagram for more information on how to prevent or treat the flu and other illnesses.