Student Affairs E-newsletter: February 27, 2024

Author: Kate Morgan

Header reads "Division of Student Affairs Newsletter" in gold and blue.

Support, Resources, and Programming

The Division of Student Affairs aspires to serve as a trusted resource, helping to connect students with information regarding health, development, faith, residential life, extracurricular interests, and future endeavors. For questions or concerns, please email

Gender Relations Center (GRC)

Tuesday, February 27, 7 - 8 p.m., Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Join the GRC FIRE Starters tonight for station activities on building allyship, games, and a baked potato bar. All are welcome!

Apply to be a Senior Fellow

The Senior Fellows program is an opportunity for seniors who live on campus to serve in leadership roles that focus on specific University priorities. Students who serve as Fellows will receive an annual minimum $4,500 stipend for 8 hours of work each week and have the opportunity to be mentored and developed as leaders across a variety of specific content areas. The program is open to all rising seniors living on campus for the duration of the 2024-2025 academic year.

Senior Fellow roles are available through the Family Resource Center, the Gender Relations Center, greeNDot, the McDonald Center for Student Well-Being, Multicultural Student Programs and Services, Notre Dame International, the Office of Student Enrichment, Residential Life, and the Transformational Leaders Program. Applications are now open and are due on Friday, March 8. Learn more about each Senior Fellow role here.

Student Health and Wellness

TimelyCare recently streamlined its registration for faster service. Now, medical questions are only asked the first time a user seeks a medical or scheduled counseling visit instead of during registration.

While students are encouraged to visit University Health Services (UHS) and the University Counseling Center (UCC) during business hours, TimelyCare is an additional service that provides after-hours access to medical care and 24/7 access to mental telehealth care across the United States, with no cost at the time of your visit. Medical, TalkNow, and scheduled counseling are all available to students.

TimelyCare’s goal is to help students begin health and well-being conversations earlier, get treated faster, and ensure student healthcare is positively impacting student engagement and retention. Click here to get started. Use your Notre Dame email address to register.

University Counseling Center (UCC)

Wednesday, February 28, 5 - 6:30 p.m., Coleman-Morse Center
Hosted by the UCC and Campus Ministry, this grief dinner provides an opportunity for casual support and sharing among students who have experienced the death of someone important to them. Participants will introduce themselves, share their experiences, and provide an update about where they are on their healing journey. Please RSVP no later than 12 p.m. on Wednesday, February 28. The room location will be provided upon registration. Please email Mike Urbaniak or Jordan Jonson for more information or to RSVP.

McDonald Center for Student Well-Being (McWell)

Now - Friday, March 8, Notre Dame Campus
Being well isn’t just a matter of luck! Between now and Friday, March 8, students will find seven hidden leprechauns providing well-being tips outdoors on campus. Check-in at all seven leprechaun locations to win a pair of fuzzy socks and be entered to win a “Happy Light” bright light therapy box!

Tuesday, February 27, 5 - 7 p.m., Duncan Student Center Lobby Tables
Join McWell’s GROW Peer Educators to beautify your environment and enhance your well-being by potting a succulent, decorating its pot, and learning how your surroundings can impact your well-being.

McWell lends “Happy Lights” light boxes to help you feel your best this winter. Stop by McWell on the second floor of St. Liam Hall to check one out or email McWell to see if there is one available.

Every Tuesday, 5 - 7 p.m., McWell Restorative Spaces
Join McWell every Tuesday during the spring semester to knit or embroider. Although we have limited supplies available, we encourage you to B.Y.O. yarn and supplies. All experience levels are welcome. Drop by for tea, conversation, community, and the opportunity to learn and practice fiber arts.

Thursday, February 29, 7 - 10 p.m., Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Escape to Wellness with the Caribbean Student Association (CaribSA), Multicultural Student Programs and Services (MSPS), and McWell, and take a break from the gloominess of winter and exam preparations. Bringing together the rich culture of the Caribbean and other tropical islands with a wellness-oriented twist, we will create environments to enhance emotional well-being with crafts, games, Caribbean snacks, and the chance to win prizes! 

Campus Ministry

Thursday, February 29, 7 p.m., Carole Sandner Hall, Remick Commons
As we conclude Black History Month, join authors and podcasters Marcia Lane-McGee and Shannon Wimp Schmidt as they share lessons that the Black Church can teach everyone about what it means to be a witness to Christ in America today. A reception will follow. Click here to RSVP. Please email Deacon Mel Tardy or Diana Salgado Huicochea with questions.

Saturday, March 2, 5 p.m., Dillon Hall Chapel
Looking to be part of a community of support and connection? Please join us for our LGBTQ Mass this Saturday. Stay for dinner and fellowship immediately following Mass. For more information, click here or email Fr. Robert Lisowski, C.S.C.

Emmaus Walks
The Week of March 3
Do you want to dive deeper into Scripture this Lent through reflection and intentional discussion with a fellow student? Fill out this form to sign up for the second of our biweekly Emmaus Walks. You will be randomly paired with another student for a journey together throughout campus guided by Scripture. Campus Ministry will provide the Scripture passages and reflection questions for each Emmaus Walk, allowing you to enter into a conversation about your own journey of faith. Please email Cat LaPorte with any questions.

University Health Services (UHS)

It’s that time of the year, and many programs are beginning to plan for students who are traveling abroad. UHS is here to accommodate and provide your travel physical along with any vaccines that may be required by the country you are visiting. As we offer a limited number of appointments for physicals, we highly recommend that you schedule your appointment at least two months prior to traveling. There is a fee for this service. Please contact UHS at (574) 631-7494 for assistance.

As days become longer and warmer, many of us like to take our exercise outdoors. Keep these tips in mind as you start to exercise outside:

- Make sure you’re prepared for the exercise you’re planning to do. If you decide to go for a run, but you haven’t trained in some time, your first few runs should be shorter and slower. As your legs and body begin to feel acclimated, you can increase your distance and pace with each run.
- Save more challenging workouts and activities for when you feel you’re in better shape. Before trying a new workout or activity, take on more mild to moderate activities so your body is prepared for the new challenge.
- Dress in layers to help keep you from getting overheated or feeling too cold because spring weather can change quickly.
- Enjoy the many benefits that outdoor exercise provides for our bodies and minds!