Student Affairs E-newsletter: Feb. 14, 2023

Author: Kate Morgan

Header reads "Division of Student Affairs Newsletter" in gold and blue.

Support, Resources, and Programming

The Division of Student Affairs aspires to serve as a trusted resource, helping to connect students with information regarding health, development, faith, residential life, extracurricular interests, and future endeavors. For questions or concerns, please email

Available Student Resources

In the midst of the many tragedies that have recently impacted both our country and our world, including the earthquakes that devastated large areas of central Turkey and northwest Syria, and the horrific mass shooting that took place last night on the campus of nearby Michigan State University, Notre Dame students are encouraged to process their feelings by utilizing the many resources available to them within our campus community.

The University Counseling Center (574-631-7336) offers support during its Drop-in hours as well as the 24/7 Talk Line. Students can call 574-631-TALK to reach a licensed counselor who can provide immediate assistance by phone. Drop-in services available this week are as follows:

  • Tuesdays: 1 - 4 p.m.
  • Wednesdays: 1 - 4 p.m.
  • Thursdays: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
  • Fridays: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Students can also access 24/7 “Talk Now” teletherapy through our third party vendor, TimelyCare. Students can visit to register and access telehealth services either for scheduled counseling or a one-time appointment. 

In addition, members of Campus Ministry (574-631-7800) are also available to offer their support. “Need to Talk” is held Monday through Thursday from 5 to 7 p.m. in 113 Coleman-Morris.

Members of the campus community who wish to assist with relief efforts in Turkey and Syria are encouraged to donate to Catholic Relief Services (CRS). This trusted organization has a long-standing partnership with Notre Dame and is on the ground providing urgently needed care and support to those affected. 

In coordination with authorities, CRS is already bringing displaced people to safe, open spaces and distributing hot meals and clothing. Monetary gifts will help CRS provide safe shelter and access to food, clean water, and hygiene supplies.


Sunday, February 26, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., RecSports Climbing and Bouldering Wall
Whether you're a beginning climber or an experienced bouldering wall champion, we want to see you at the first RecSports Gravity Fest on Sunday, February 26! Check out some brand new routes, solve challenging bouldering puzzles, and come cheer on your friends. Registration is $20 and includes the competition entry fee and a commemorative T-shirt. For more information, please click here.

University Counseling Center (UCC)

Wednesday, February 15, February 22, and March 1 (please plan to attend all three sessions), 3:30 - 5 p.m., Saint Liam Hall Third Floor Conference Room
Do you feel pressure from society, family, or peers to change the way you look? This three-session body acceptance workshop supports students in directly challenging the cultural messages that appearance should fit within a narrow set of “ideals” that exclude diverse bodies based on race, gender, sexuality, and ability. No sign-up required.

Campus Ministry

Every Friday, 1:30 - 2 p.m., Jenkins Nanovic Hall prayer room
Salam alaykum, peace be upon you! Join the Muslim Student Association for weekly prayers on campus. Prayer mats are available and the prayer includes a sermon (khutbah). We invite all Muslim students to join us and welcome non-Muslims who are interested in learning and observing.

Sunday, February 19, 10 a.m,. Basilica of the Sacred Heart
This Sunday, our unbaptized RCIA catechumens and baptized candidates will celebrate the Rite of Sending. This Rite marks the second of three public steps in each participant's journey with Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church as they progress toward the Easter Sacraments. Please keep them in your prayers.

Monday, February 20, 7 p.m., Hagerty Cafe, Duncan Student Center
Have you ever experienced doubts about God or faith? So have we! Join Campus Ministry at "Real Questions, Honest Answers," an honest, podcast-style conversation followed by table discussions on authentic questions. The question of the night is, "I have doubts. Can I be a person of faith?" Our first host is campus minister Mike Urbaniak who will talk openly and honestly with Margaret Morgan, Director of the Center for Student Support and Care. Grab a coffee and a free dessert, and join us.

Register here by Tuesday, February 21 
Undergraduate and graduate students are invited to take part in weekly small group conversations exploring questions of faith and matters of the heart this Lenten season. Groups, led by campus ministers and trained student interns, will meet for six weeks, beginning shortly after Ash Wednesday and running through the first week of Easter. Email Kate Broadbent for more information.

Next Wednesday, February 22, is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the Lenten season. Visit for a preview of the many one-time and ongoing opportunities happening throughout Lent! Check back often for updates.

Family Resource Center (FRC)

For a student facing a planned or unplanned pregnancy, the physical, emotional, and spiritual issues can seem overwhelming. In keeping with its mission as a Catholic University, Notre Dame is committed to life and to offering students resources that support life. Therefore, the University will make every effort to provide pregnant students with caring, non-judgmental, professional assistance and support. Assistance is also available for those affected by the pregnancy of someone close to them. For more information, please email Peggy Hnatusko, Pregnancy Support Specialist, in the FRC.

Alumni Association

Do you like meeting new people and serving your community?  Are you looking for something to do during the month of July? Consider joining the Alumni Association's Family Volunteer Camp as a Student Program Leader. Learn more here.

Sexual Conduct and Campus Climate Questionnaire

Last week, the University began administering the sixth Sexual Conduct and Campus Climate Questionnaire to assess the knowledge, perceptions, and experience of Notre Dame students in relation to sexual assault, sexual misconduct, dating and domestic violence, stalking, and other conduct that creates a sexually hostile environment.

All students are invited and encouraged to complete the questionnaire to help the Notre Dame community better understand incidents of sexual misconduct and respond more effectively if and when they occur. To protect your privacy, please use the link sent to you in the email you received on February 6, 2023. All responses are strictly confidential. 

All students who complete the survey will be included in a drawing to win an Amazon Echo Dot, a Boom 2 Portable Bluetooth Speaker, or a $50 Visa gift card. Inclusion in the drawing will not compromise the confidentiality of your survey responses.