Student Affairs E-newsletter: December 5, 2023

Author: Kate Morgan

Header reads "Division of Student Affairs Newsletter" in gold and blue.

Support, Resources, and Programming

The Division of Student Affairs aspires to serve as a trusted resource, helping to connect students with information regarding health, development, faith, residential life, extracurricular interests, and future endeavors. For questions or concerns, please email

Gender Relations Center (GRC)

Tuesday, December 5, 1 - 3 p.m., Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Community Kitchen
Take a study break and join the GRC for Hot Chocolate Check-ins! We will have a hot chocolate bar, stocking decorating, and affirmations to help celebrate your authentic self. All are welcome!

Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is excited to announce the PwC Programming and Professional Development Grants. These grants are here to support recognized student groups and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts in our campus community. For more information, please click here

Residential Life

As a reminder, all undergraduate residential communities close for Christmas break on Saturday, December 16 at 12 p.m. Please make plans to leave no later than noon or 24 hours after your last final (whichever comes first). As you begin packing for the break, don't forget to bring important items with you including prescriptions, ID/passport, laptop/phone, and glasses or contacts. Once the halls close on December 16, staff will depart for break and will be unable to help you access your room or any belongings you may have left behind. Additionally, before you leave, be sure to close all your windows, unplug your electronics, dispose of all garbage and perishable items, and defrost/unplug your refrigerators. If you have any questions, please speak with your hall staff. We hope you have a restful and safe Christmas break, and we look forward to seeing you in January!

Student Health and Wellness

You need a nap. Dr. Jessica Payne, sleep and stress neuroscience expert and professor of psychology at the University of Notre Dame, has published research indicating all of us could benefit if we took a nap each day. The trick is keeping your nap short (or long) enough so you don’t wake up in the middle of a sleep cycle and feel groggy or fatigued. Napping for 20 minutes or less keeps your brain at Level 2 sleep, which is beneficial for cognition. Napping for 90 minutes will allow your brain to complete an entire sleep cycle. Without sleep, your brain is inhibited in learning and in its capacity to create new memories. Fatigue also makes it harder to concentrate on tasks and to recall information stored in your memory. Keep up with the Student Health and Wellness Unit on Instagram to gain additional insights into what it means to sleep for success.

Pray25 with C.S. Lewis is now live! It’s not too late to kickstart your prayer journey with thousands of others as we pray every day leading up to Christmas. Start on Day 1 with a reflection on love and vulnerability, or jump right into Day 2 with a powerful passage from Mere Christianity and a reflection on the radical, beautiful story of the Christian faith. Here is what you can expect for the first week of Pray25.

- Monday: C.S. Lewis Reflection with a special guest and Jonathan Roumie
- Tuesday: C.S. Lewis Reflection with a special guest and Jonathan Roumie
- Wednesday: Imaginative Prayer
- Thursday: C.S. Lewis Reflection with a special guest and Jonathan Roumie
- Friday: Thematic Challenge with Jonathan Roumie
- Saturday: Music Meditation with Ben Rector, Matt Maher, and more!
- Sunday: Gospel Reflection

To access your free Hallow subscription, click here. Simply fill in your name and Notre Dame student email address, and create a password.

Center for Career Development

The Center for Career Development is pleased to announce the availability of free, on-demand digital headshots for all Notre Dame students. This new self-serve resource was created by a veteran studio photographer and delivers professional quality LinkedIn headshots to your email in less than five minutes. The booth is conveniently located near the reception area on the north end of the 5th floor of Duncan Student Center and is available for use anytime the floor is open (no appointment needed). The next time you are in Duncan, stop by and get your picture taken. 

Campus Ministry

Wednesday, December 6, 5 - 6 p.m., 331 Coleman-Morse
Sophomores and Juniors: Interested in sharing your gifts with the Notre Dame community next year? Consider applying for the Anchor Internship in Campus Ministry. There will be an information session to learn more on Wednesday, December 6, but you don't need to attend the information session to apply. Applications are open now and are due in February. For more information, email Mike Urbaniak.

Saturday, December 9, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m., 329 Coleman-Morse
It's not too late to join a Campus Ministry choir! Auditions will be held on Saturday, December 9 for the Folk Choir, Magnificat Choir, Liturgical Choir, Voices of Faith Gospel Choir, and Coro Primavera de Nuestra Señora for the Spring 2024 semester. Click here to schedule an in-person audition.

Monday, December 11, 11:30 p.m., Keough Hall Chapel
Join Campus Ministry’s Latino Student Ministry, Mariachi ND, and Coro Primavera for Las Mañanitas, serenading Our Lady of Guadalupe on the vigil of her feast day. Enjoy fellowship and pan dulce! For more information, email Diana Salgado Huicochea.

McDonald Center for Student Well-Being (McWell)

Tuesday, December 5, 5 - 7 p.m., McWell Restorative Spaces
Join McWell for the last Knit and Stitch of the semester. Students will have the opportunity to crochet, knit, or embroider in our Restorative Spaces on the second floor of Saint Liam Hall. Although we have limited supplies available, we encourage you to bring your own yarn and supplies. All experience levels are welcome. Drop by for tea, conversation, and to learn and practice fiber arts!