Student Affairs E-newsletter: Aug. 23, 2022

Author: Kate Morgan

Header reads "Division of Student Affairs Newsletter" in gold and blue.

Support, Resources, and Programming

The Division of Student Affairs aspires to serve as a trusted resource, helping to connect students with information regarding health, development, faith, residential life, extracurricular interests, and future endeavors. For questions or concerns, please email

Student Activities Office (SAO)

Thursday, Aug. 25, 9 - 11 p.m.
Students are invited to visit the Duncan Student Center this Thursday to tour the offices, become better acquainted with the resources in the building, enjoy free food, and participate in fun activities like mini golf. Plus, don't miss out on great giveaways!

Friday, Aug. 26, 7 p.m., Library Lawn; 9 p.m., Notre Dame Stadium
Join Student Government, SUB, and SAO for a screening of "Rudy" in Notre Dame Stadium. The movie will tentatively begin at 9 p.m., but the event will start at 7 p.m. on Library Lawn with free food trucks, live music, and lawn games. The Stadium will open at 7:30 p.m. Students should bring their student ID and a blanket or towel to sit on. Afterward, s'mores will be distributed back on Library Lawn for roasting around the fire pits (while supplies last).

Saturday, Aug. 27, 9 - 11 p.m., Library Lawn
Stop by Library Lawn this Saturday to enjoy a nostalgia-filled event with your favorite childhood games, food, prizes, and much more!

Monday, Aug. 29, 7 - 10 p.m., Notre Dame Stadium Concourse
Interested in getting involved? Stop by the annual Student Activities Night next Monday to learn all about Notre Dame's undergraduate student clubs and organizations. Network, make new friends, and enjoy special surprises and giveaways at this premiere student group recruitment event.

Multicultural Student Programs and Services (MSPS)

Thursday, Aug. 25, 5 - 7 p.m., North Quad
MSPS welcomes all undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and staff to its annual Welcome Back Bash. Enjoy free food trucks, games, and prize giveaways as you connect with friends and learn more about campus resources and student clubs.

Health and Wellness Initiatives

In addition to the University Counseling Center (UCC) , University Health Services (UHS), the McDonald Center for Student Well-Being (McWell), and the Center for Student Support and Care, the Health and Wellness Unit also offers a telehealth program to students called TimelyCare. While students are encouraged to visit the UCC and UHS during business hours, this additional service provides 24/7 access to medical and mental telehealth care across the United States, with no cost at the time of your visit. Whether you're feeling sick or overwhelmed, students can talk to a licensed provider from their smartphone or any web-enabled device. Licensed providers are available to diagnose non-emergent medical conditions, prescribe medications, and offer mental health support and wellness coaching via phone or secure video visits. Learn more about how to access TimelyCare here

The Division of Student Affairs has partnered with Hallow, a Catholic prayer and meditation app, to provide students in the Notre Dame community a personal resource to deepen their relationship with God and strengthen their mental health. Through this new partnership, current Notre Dame students receive free access to Hallow Plus, Hallow’s premium subscription service, and its expansive library of faith-based prayer, meditation, sleep, and music content. To learn more and sign up for your free account, please click here.

As a way to help students care for their emotional well-being, the University has partnered with Calm. The Calm app provides tools to help you relax, focus, and rest through guided sessions on sleep, meditation, and relaxation. Sign up for a free, premium subscription using your netID by following these instructions.

Virtual, Sign up by Monday, Sept. 5
This Fall, the UCC will continue to offer the Innsightful, 10-week Emotional Wellness Program to interested students FREE of charge. The Innsightful program helps students learn skills to better manage their emotions and improve their well-being, and includes a weekly virtual psychoeducational group, mental health coaching, and access to psychoeducational materials. The program has been demonstrated to increase emotional connection with others, engagement, and feelings of belonging, as well as initiative and motivation.

Interested students can sign-up to participate directly on the Innsightful website using their Notre Dame email address and the coupon code “FreeNotreDame”. Innsightful will form small psychoeducational support groups based on the availability students provide at registration. Graduate and undergraduate students are placed in separate groups. All groups will begin the week of September 12 and run for 10 weeks, concluding by the end of the semester.

Campus Ministry

Wednesday, Aug. 24, 7 - 9 p.m., South Quad
Students are encouraged to join Campus Ministry and a variety of faith-based student groups for the annual Feed Your Faith event tomorrow. This is a chance for students to learn more about the many opportunities to grow in their faith while on campus. Free food truck tickets and T-shirts will be distributed at check-in.

Thursday, Aug. 25, 7 p.m. OR Sunday, Aug. 28, 2 p.m., Coleman-Morse Center, Room 330
If you are interested in learning more about becoming Catholic or getting confirmed at Notre Dame, join Campus Ministry for one of two information sessions. For more information, please email Brett Perkins.

Join the Basilica team of Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Hospitality Ministers, and Altar Servers. All interested volunteers must attend a one-time training in the Basilica to learn the specifics of the ministry and meet others interested in being involved. For more information, please email Megan Urbaniak.

Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, and Hospitality Minister Training:  

  • Sunday, Aug. 28, 6 - 7 p.m.
  • Tuesday, Sept. 6, 7 - 8 p.m. 

Altar Server Training (New and Returning):

  • Tuesday, Aug. 30, 7 - 8:15 p.m.
  • Sunday, Sept. 4, 1 - 2 p.m.

Sign up by Tuesday, Sept. 6
Are you interested in serving the marginalized in our South Bend community? Do you want to grow in your faith and/or develop your understanding of social justice? Consider signing up for Mercy Works, a program that includes weekly service in South Bend, thoughtful reflection, community, and free food. The minimum commitment is only six weeks. Learn more and sign up here. For questions, please email Becky Czarnecki.

Are you looking for ways to grow in your spiritual life or deepen your relationship with Jesus? Would you like to talk about what's going on in your life or how you're navigating some of the challenging circumstances of our world? Beginning Monday, Aug. 29, a campus minister will be available every Monday through Thursday from 5 to 7 p.m. in 113 Coleman-Morse (across from the marble ball) to listen, offer guidance, and share the wisdom and hope our faith provides. No appointment necessary, just drop in. Learn more about Need To Talk? here.

University Announcements

Tuesday, Aug. 23, 5:15 p.m., Basilica of the Sacred Heart
All students are warmly invited to gather for the Opening of the Academic Year Mass as we ask for God’s blessing on the year ahead. Join us tonight in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart. All are welcome. Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C., University President, will serve as presider and homilist. Following Mass, ALL students are invited to gather for dinner in either the North or South Dining Hall. Simply present your student ID. No meal plan required.

In an effort to maintain a healthy and more efficient campus, the University has transitioned to a cashless retail environment. The change includes transactions at food service locations, dining halls, concession stands, and St. Michael’s Laundry. Cash will still be accepted at some campus locations, including vending machines and privately-operated businesses, and for fundraising, donations, and residence halls food sales. Please use credit or debit cards or an Irish1Card to make purchases on campus or convert cash to Visa gift cards at no charge at one of the Campus Cash Card kiosks inside the LaFortune and Duncan Student Centers.

Recognized student clubs, organizations, and residence halls can continue to collect cash for fundraising and donations, including club dues. For all other transactions, student clubs, organizations, and residence halls should utilize either Student Shop ND or a portable card reader, which can be reserved through the NDCentral event request form.

Due to the global shortage of microchips, the Campus Card Office is unable to issue standard or replacement Irish1Cards with digitally enhanced cardstock at this time. As the Campus Card Office receives batches of cardstock, affected faculty, staff, and students will receive a communication outlining the process for swapping the temporary card for a permanent Irish1Card. More details are available at

COVID-19 Update

Given the University’s high vaccination rate, and in consultation with public health officials and partners across the region, the University’s COVID-19 protocols will remain largely unchanged (with the exception of the quarantine policy) from those announced at the conclusion of the 2021-22 academic year. For an overview of the University's COVID policies sent to students on Thursday, Aug. 11, please click here.