Student Affairs E-newsletter: April 30, 2020

Author: Kate Morgan

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Virtual Support, Resources, and Programming

Health and Wellness Resources

Study Hacks: Enhancing Focus and Concentration
A Notre Dame Study Day LIVE Zoom Workshop
Friday May 1, 2020  3 - 4 p.m. (EST)
Join Wendy Settle, Ph.D., with the University Counseling Center and Annie Eaton, MS.Ed., a Care and Wellness Consultant within the Center for Student Support and Care, via Zoom tomorrow, May 1, to learn more about study hacks designed to increase your focus and enhance your academic performance. Register here no later than noon on Friday to receive your Zoom link invitation.

University Counseling Center (UCC)

  • Tele-mental Health Services: The UCC’s tele-mental health services are now available to students who live in the US in states where temporary changes allow out-of-state mental health providers to provide services across state lines. Every state regulates mental health services differently. Please check the UCC website to determine if you reside in a state where the UCC is able to offer tele-therapy services. Regardless of where you live, the UCC is available to provide phone consultations for all students. Please contact the UCC at 574-631-7336 if you would like to schedule a phone consultation with one of our staff members. Additionally, you can call the UCC HELPLINE (574-631-TALK) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  
  • Virtual Care Package: As you head into a finals week unlike any other, the UCC has designed a virtual care package to remind you we are thinking of you during these unprecedented times. Similar to a tangible care package, this virtual gift is filled with comfort, encouragement, and connection. Here you will find creative ways to stay connected while social distancing, self-soothing and coping resources, self-care tips and suggestions, recommendations to help you structure your day, and fun virtual activities. We hope you can use these tools, resources, and strategies to not only help you get through this finals week, but continue to prioritize your mental health in the days, weeks, and months ahead. 

McDonald Center for Student Well-Being (McWell)

There are a variety of “unknowns” each of us face as individuals and as communities. While there is no "right" way to manage the stress and anxiety that can come from the unknown, this Navigating the Unknown handout includes a few tips and guiding questions to consider. Additionally, offering yourself some kindness and compassion as you navigate the uncertainty is a great opportunity to practice self care. Download the Mindful Self Compassion handout for a guided practice and visit the McWell website for additional well-being resources.

Faith Resources

Grief Support
During this unprecedented time, students may experience grief associated with the death of a loved one due to COVID-19. Please know members of Campus Ministry's pastoral care team are ready and available to provide support. If you would like to speak with a campus minister or learn more about grief resources, please email Tami Schmitz.

Need to Talk
As we approach finals week and, for some, the final leg of your Notre Dame career, there are likely a variety of things weighing on your mind and heart. You may want to share how you are dealing with the unknown, the losses big and small, or wondering whether the pandemic is affecting your relationships and how to navigate this time spiritually. Whatever needs attention, please know a campus minister is available to listen. Either set up a time to video chat or email Mike Urbaniak

Black Ecumenical Prayer Service
Although we cannot gather together, the Black Ecumenical Prayer Service will be brought to you via video on Campus Ministry’s website and Instagram, and Facebook pages on Monday, May 4.

Rev. Canon Hugh R. Page, Jr., Professor of Theology and Africana Studies, will preside. Kayla August, rector of Lyons Hall, will preach.

This service, in the African American religious tradition, will use the form of a simple and short prayer service called Midday Prayer, found across many denominations, including Roman Catholic, Episcopal, and Lutheran.

This event is co-sponsored by Campus MinistryResidential LifeMulticultural Student Programs and ServicesHuman Resources, the Black Faculty and Staff Association, and the Black Student Association.

Career Development

Your Job Search During COVID-19
With uncertainty in the months ahead, summer plans may change. The Center for Career Development has created a variety of resources to help you make the most of this time.

Summer Opportunities During COVID-19
Job Search During COVID-19

One-on-One Counseling Appointments
Individual appointments with career counselors are still available via Zoom. Appointment types include Discerning Your Major or Career, Career Planning, Applications, Industry Specific Counseling, and more. Schedule an appointment on Handshake.

Online Workshops
A variety of online events and workshops are being offered each week. Events include informational sessions hosted by employers in addition to sessions on Leveraging LinkedIn, Preparing for an Interview, Networking with Alumni, and more. All upcoming opportunities are available on Handshake.