Student Affairs E-newsletter: April 23, 2020

Author: Kate Morgan

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Virtual Support, Resources, and Programming

Health and Wellness Resources

The McDonald Center for Student Well-Being (McWell)
As the semester comes to a close with end-of-year projects and finals looming, now is a good time for a check-in on your strategies for success and productivity. Download the Staying Motivated handout for reflective questions and tips for success, and visit the McWell website for additional well-being resources.

Faith Resources

Grief Support
During this unprecedented time, students may experience grief associated with the death of a loved one due to COVID-19. Please know members of Campus Ministry's pastoral care team are ready and available to provide support. If you would like to speak with a campus minister or learn more about grief resources, please email Tami Schmitz.

Bible Study Small Group Opportunity
Students are invited to join a Bible Study to connect with others and discuss God's message through Scripture. No previous experience with the Bible is needed - just an open heart. If interested, please email Brett Perkins.

Podcast mini-series: "Points of Connection"
Campus Ministry’s new podcast, “Points of Connection,” is an intentional attempt to discuss things that don't seem to go together within the context of faith. New episodes are available each Friday.

This week on “Points of Connection,” we grapple with the tension between being grounded amidst this time of incredible uncertainty. Fr. Pete McCormick, C.S.C., joins us again as we share honestly about our lives, our relationship with God, and our attempt to find a new sense of "normal" during these extraordinary times.

“Points of Connection” is available wherever you get your podcasts. Click here for a direct link. 

Spanish Prayer Opportunities
All students and their families are invited to join Campus Ministry as we pray in Spanish weekly: 

  • Misa en Espanol: Sundays at 1 p.m. (EST) from Dunne Hall at Notre Dame. Click here for the Zoom link.
  • El Rosario: Tuesdays at 8 p.m. (EST). Click here for the Zoom link.

Conversations that Matter: Making Sense of this Time 
On Tuesday, April 28 at 7 p.m. (EST), join Campus Ministry's Tami Schmitz and Care and Wellness Consultant Maria Candelaria Flukas as they offer guidance for making sense of the variety of feelings and emotions you may be experiencing at this time. This virtual conversation will include hearing from Tami and Maria, but more importantly, opening up the conversation for you and your peers to share the longing, loss, grief, or challenges of life right now.

If you are planning to join the conversation, your RSVP is encouraged but not required. Click here to join the Zoom conversation.  

Career Development

Your Job and Internship Search During COVID-19
Understandably, career-related questions may be top of mind as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Center for Career Development is here to assure you that our office will continue to offer services and support while still providing the best and most realistic advice possible.

Utilize the information on our website to practically continue your search for opportunities during this time:
Your Job Search During COVID-19
Your Summer Plans During COVID-19

One-on-One Counseling Appointments
Individual appointments with career counselors are still available via Zoom. Appointment types include Discerning Your Major or Career, Career Planning, Applications, Industry Specific Counseling, and more. Schedule an appointment on Handshake.

Online Workshops
A variety of online events and workshops are being offered each week. Events include informational sessions hosted by employers in addition to sessions on Leveraging LinkedIn, Preparing for an Interview, Networking with Alumni, and more. All upcoming opportunities are available on Handshake.

Gender Relations Center

Join the Gender Relations Center (GRC) in wearing denim with a purpose next Wednesday, April 29 for Denim Day. Share your denim on social media using #DenimDayND and tagging @grcND. Denim Day is a national movement designed to remind us clothing choice doesn't indicate consent and there is no excuse for blaming survivors of sexual assault. To learn more about Denim Day, visit