Student Affairs E-newsletter: April 2, 2020

Author: Kate Morgan

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Virtual Support, Resources, and Programming

Health and Wellness Resources

The University Counseling Center (UCC)
The UCC staff has started offering tele-mental health services to Notre Dame students who are located in Indiana. If a student is currently living in another state, the UCC is happy to consult with the student over the phone to assist in finding a therapist in their area. For tele-mental health services, please call the UCC at 574-631-7336 to schedule an appointment. 

The McDonald Center for Student Well-Being (McWell)

  • Wellness Survey
    With the move to online classes, McWell would like to know more about how to best support your well-being. Please take a few moments to complete this brief survey to help inform Division programming and resources.
  • Creating Healthy Habits
    Transitioning from in-person to remote experiences can be challenging. By creating and sticking to routines, we organize our days in such a way that taking care of our tasks as well as ourselves becomes a pattern that makes it easier to get things done. Please visit the McWell website to download the Creating Healthy Habits handout to aid in the development of your own routine and schedule. Be sure to also follow us @McWellND.

Faith Resources

Holy Week Prayer Service with Danielle Rose
During Holy Week, as we prepare our hearts for the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, students are invited to join together in prayer on Tuesday, April 7 from 9 to 10 p.m. (EST) on Campus Ministry’s Instagram and Facebook Live pages. Danielle Rose (‘04) will offer prayerful musical meditations, and students’ reflections will invite contemplation amidst the darkness and uncertainty toward the unifying power of God’s unconditional love.

Rosario en Español
Join Campus Ministry in praying the rosary in Spanish via Zoom on Tuesday evenings at 8 p.m. (EST) on April 7, 14, 21, and 28. Click here to join the Zoom meeting. For more information, please contact Anchor Intern Carolina Robledo at

Triduum and Easter Liturgies Live Streamed from the Basilica of the Sacred Heart
Although we are unable to gather together physically, we look forward to students joining virtually to celebrate the Triduum and Easter Liturgies. These liturgies will be live streamed on the Campus Ministry website and will also be archived for later viewing through the playlist function of the video.

Everyone is invited to participate as fully as possible in these liturgies. A worship aid (program) will be available on the live stream site as a PDF file for students to download or print.

  • Thursday, April 9, 5 p.m. (EST), Mass of the Lord’s Supper
  • Friday, April 10, 3 p.m. (EST), Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
  • Saturday, April 11, 9 p.m. (EST), The Paschal Vigil Mass
  • Sunday, April 12, 10 a.m. (EST), Easter Sunday Mass on CatholicTV

Campus Ministry’s Need to Talk
A Campus Minister is available for Need to Talk Monday through Friday from 1 to 7 p.m. (EST) to engage in conversations with students. To speak with a Campus Minister during this time, please call 574-631-8508, or schedule a virtual appointment here. This connection can take place by phone or Zoom. For any questions or further information on support, please contact Mike Urbaniak at

Career Development

President's Circle Mentor Program
The Meruelo Family Center for Career Development is seeking committed and driven student mentees for the Summer 2020 President's Circle Mentor Program. This three month mentor program connects students to members of the President's Circle council. Mentors involved in the program are often in positions of senior leadership as CEOs, partners, surgeons, lawyers, vice presidents, managing directors, and many other influential and challenging roles. The application deadline is Monday, April 6.

Online Workshops
Events and workshops continue in a virtual format via Zoom. These opportunities include events hosted by employers and workshops such as Summer Plans, Writing a Cover Letter, and more! All upcoming opportunities are available on Handshake.

One-on-One Counseling Appointments
Individual appointments with our career counselors are available via Zoom. Schedule an appointment through the Career Center feature in Handshake

For more information, please visit the Career Development website.

Student Activities

On Monday, March 30, the Student Activities Office (SAO) shared guidance with student leaders about reactivating some elements of extracurricular activities virtually. For more information, please visit SAO's Virtual Connection page and don't hesitate to reach out with questions to SAO ( or 574-631-7308) or student group advisors. We look forward to building community in new and exciting ways!

Residential Life

Now that rectors have ensured students have returned home safely, they are eager to continue their work as pastoral leaders to their residents. Consistent with their roles when students are physically on campus, rectors remain committed to ensuring the strength of a hall community by helping students to feel connected to one another from afar.

Rectors are a reassuring voice in an uncertain time, and they are doing everything they can to make sure students still feel at home at Notre Dame even while they're away. Please be on the lookout for ongoing communication from your rectors moving forward, and don’t hesitate to reach out to them should you have any questions or concerns.

As for assistant rectors and RAs, while ARs will continue to provide some support to rectors and students, because RAs are now home and adjusting to virtual learning themselves, they will no longer function in their traditional capacity. With this in mind, RAs will neither create nor lead any remote community building opportunities while in-person classes are suspended. Residential Life is grateful for their many contributions to their hall communities, and thank them for their support.