Ryan Willerton receives 2016 Rev. John Francis “Pop” Farley, C.S.C. Award

Author: Ann Hastings


Ryan Willerton, Director of the Office of Community Standards in the Division of Student Affairs, was awarded the 2016 Rev. John Francis “Pop” Farley, C.S.C. Award at the Division’s annual year-end reception in May. The award, established in 1977 in honor of Father Farley, recognizes distinguished service to student life at the University of Notre Dame.


Willerton has served Notre Dame’s Division of Student Affairs for eighteen years.  His extraordinary focus on developing the whole student can be seen most recently in his formative work in the Office of Community Standards. Willerton spearheaded the implementation of recommendations from a comprehensive, two-year review of processes and procedures related to the University’s conduct process to better address disciplinary incidents with an increased emphasis on student development and formation.

Before his appointment as Director of the Office of Community Standards, he served in roles such as Student Development Coordinator, Assistant Director of Residence Life & Housing, and Director of Student Activities Facilities. He serves as advisor to the first-year class council and is deeply engaged in the University’s Green Dot violence prevention program and the Division of Student Affairs’ professional development initiatives. Willerton also served as advisor to many other student groups, including: The Shirt Project, Club Coordination Council, and Financial Management Board.

Willerton earned a master’s degree in Educational Psychology and Guidance from Eastern Illinois University and a bachelor’s degree in Spanish/Secondary Education from Bradley University (Ill.).