Expansion of Student Activites

Author: Erin Hoffmann Harding and Mike Seamon

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Dear undergraduate, graduate, and professional students,

With Notre Dame’s 7-day moving average of positive case counts declining, we are happy to follow up on last week’s email and announce further expansion of in-person student activities.

The rationale for these changes is two-fold. First, thanks to the success of limited outdoor events over the past week, the University can now introduce additional outdoor activities where the risk of transmission is lower. Second, we will begin offering indoor activity in spaces and programs where staff, faculty, or student managers are present to assist with health and safety protocols, which must be maintained at all times. Please remember eating indoors is permitted only in designated eating areas, including North and South Dining Halls, heated dining tents, residence hall rooms, or specific areas of Hesburgh Library, McCourtney Hall, and the Rasmus Club (8th floor) of the Duncan Student Center.

Beginning on Tuesday, March 9, and subject to adherence to COVID-19 safety protocols:

  • Recognized clubs and organizations may reserve outdoor space for programs and events.
  • RecSports intramural and club practices may resume both outdoors and indoors. A professional staff member or student manager must be present at all scheduled practices.
  • Recognized clubs and organizations may hold indoor programs in Duncan Student Center, LaFortune Student Center, Stepan Center, and Washington Hall, subject to capacity and duration limits determined by the Student Activities Office (SAO). A professional staff member or student manager will be present and make rounds in these buildings during all scheduled events.
  • University departments may host student activities in any reservable indoor space if a staff or faculty member is present for the entire event.
  • Clubs and organizations may host meetings or programs in classrooms only if classroom seating is utilized and maintained for the duration of the event.
  • Duncan Student Center, LaFortune Student Center, North Quad Lodge, and South Quad Lodge will be adjusted to previous capacities.

We hope these activities and spaces provide you with more opportunities to connect with one another. Thank you for everything you have done to slow the rate of transmission on campus. Let’s work together to maintain this positive trend, and enjoy the warmer weather and sunshine this weekend.

In Notre Dame,

Erin Hoffmann Harding
Vice President for Student Affairs

Mike Seamon
Vice President for Campus Safety and University Operations