Energy Week Plus! raises awareness of major energy topics and issues important to Notre Dame

Author: Barbara Villarosa

Energy Week

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Notre Dame Energy Week offers a wide range of educational programs focused on raising awareness and increasing knowledge and understanding of major energy topics and issues. Sponsored by the Center for Sustainable Energy at Notre Dame (ND Energy) and its Student Energy Board annually since 2007, the week’s events are geared toward the interests of the entire Notre Dame community and general public.

This year’s program extends beyond the traditional one week, therefore dubbed Notre Dame Energy Week Plus, and involves the support from several campus partners and co-sponsors: Center for Civic InnovationCenter for Social ConcernsDepartment of Romance Languages and LiteraturesEnvironmental Change InitiativeHesburgh Program in Public Service; Institute for Latino StudiesJohn J. Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and ValuesNotre Dame Initiative for Global DevelopmentOffice of Digital Learning; and Office of Sustainability

Energy Week Plus! is scheduled September 17 – 28. Event details are listed below. Questions may be directed Anne Berges Pillai of ND Energy.

SEMINARS (open to the ND community and general public)


  • Mon., September 17, 7-8 PM, 140 DeBartolo Hall, “Global Warming and Social Justice: Fighting for Vulnerable Chicago Neighborhoods,” by Ashish Sharma:  Dr. Sharma will discuss the use of climate models, social vulnerability, and electricity consumption to identify vulnerable neighborhoods in Chicago that would benefit from green roofs or green infrastructure and how these measures can help to reduce the number of heat-related deaths around the world. Read more 

  • Tues., September 18, 7-8 PM, 141 DeBartolo Hall, “Kodiak, Alaska: How an Energy Co-op Went 100% Renewable,” by Darron Scott:  Mr. Scott will discuss how Kodiak Island has generated nearly 100% of its power from renewable energy sources without increasing rates to its members and local communities. Read more 


  • Wed., September 19, 4-5 PM, Geddes Hall Auditorium, “Notre Dame Goes Greener: An Energy Infrastructure Update,” by Paul Kempf:  Mr. Kemp will provide an update on the University’s strategic plan and financial investment to meet the commitment by university president Rev. John I. Jenkins to eliminate coal by 2020 and reduce carbon emissions 50% by 2030 and 83% by 2050. Read more 

  • Mon., September 24, 7-8 PM, 140 DeBartolo Hall, “Policy vs. Science: The Politics of Climate Change,” by Patrick Regan:  Dr. Regan will explore climate change in the context of policy and why it does not seem to comport with sound science. Read more

  • Wed., September 26, 7-8 PM, Mendoza’s Jordan Auditorium, “Casa Pueblo’s Energy Insurrection in Puerto Rico,” by Arturo Massol-Deyá:  In the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, Mr. Massol-Deyá will share the story of one town’s fight for energy independence and their plans to achieve 50% energy generation at the point of consumption with solar panels and independent microgrids by 2027. This seminar is part of a series of other events centered on Puerto Rico that will be held on campus this year, including the film “Blackout in Puerto Rico” on September 20. Read more

FILM (open to the ND community and general public)


  • Thurs., September 20, 7-8:15 PM, Carey Auditorium, Hesburgh Library, “Blackout in Puerto Rico,” Frontline, NPR, Investigative Reporting Workshop:  Join us on the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Maria for a documentary film examining the humanitarian and economic crisis following the storm that left Puerto Rico in total darkness. This film is part of a series of other events centered on Puerto Rico that will be held on campus this year, including the talk on September 26 by Arturo Massol-Deyá.  Read more 

TOURS (open to only ND students, faculty and staff)

  • Wed., September 19, and Thurs., September 20, 11:30 AM and 12:30 PM, meet in 100 Facilities Building, Notre Dame Power Plant Tours:  Meet the engineers and tour the power plant to see how Notre Dame is working hard to become more energy efficient. Bring your Notre Dame ID and wear closed-toe shoes.  Read more and Register

  • Fri., September 21, 3 PM and 3:45 PM, meet in 100 Stinson-Remick Hall, Stinson-Remick Hall Solar Panel Tours: Be one of the few to see the solar panels on top of Stinson-Remick Hall and enjoy the great view of campus from this vantage point. Read more and Register

  • Tues., September 25, 4 PM, meet in 146 Stepan Chemistry Hall, Materials Characterization Facility Tour:  Learn how this core research facility helps researchers discover new materials that could be the next great thing for energy storage, solar panels, and other applications. Read more and Register

WHAT’S IT REALLY LIKE? (open to only ND students)
What’s It Really Like? (WIRL) is a series of small discussion groups of undergraduate students and people working in the field of energy and sustainability.  

  • Mon., September 17, 4:15-5:15 PM, 203 McCourtney Hall, Catalysis Research: Dr. Jason Hicks’ Laboratory:  Learn what it’s like to be a researcher in a large research group and to conduct research as part of a team across five universities. Read more and Register

  • Fri., September 21, 2-3 PM, Hessert Aerospace Research Center, Wind Research: Dr. Eric Matlis’ Laboratory:  Learn what it’s like to conduct wind energy research at Notre Dame and ask how you can get involved. Read more and Register

  • Fri., September 21, 2:30-3:30 PM, 100 Brownson Hall, Sustainability Careers: Office of Sustainability:  Meet with the staff of the campus office that keeps Notre Dame green. They will talk about relevant career paths they have explored and offer suggestions on how to find a job in the field of sustainability. Read more and Register

  • Mon., September 24, 4-5 PM, 315 Stinson-Remick Hall, Nuclear Research: Dr. Peter Burns’ Laboratory:  Learn what it’s like to work in a nuclear energy lab at Notre Dame with uranium, plutonium, and other radioactive chemicals. Read more and Register

  • Wed., September 26, 4-5 PM, Radiation Laboratory Lobby, Solar Research: Dr. Prashant Kamat’s Laboratory:  Learn what it’s like to work in the “Rad Lab” doing research on perovskite films for solar panels and how to apply for a Slatt Fellowship for undergraduate research. Read more and Register

ND Energy is a University Research Center whose mission is to build a better world by creating new energy technologies and systems and educating individuals to help solve the most critical energy challenges facing our world today. For more information, visit the ND Energy website at or contact Barbara Villarosa, Business and Communications Program Director, at or 574-631-4776.


Originally published by Barbara Villarosa at on September 13, 2018.