End of Semester Testing Update

Author: Erin Hoffmann Harding and Mike Seamon


Dear Notre Dame undergraduate, graduate, and professional students,

We write today to provide you with information about COVID-19 testing of students at the conclusion of the fall semester. Please feel free to forward this information to your parents, guardians, and loved ones.

The University will offer COVID-19 testing to assist students traveling to other states or countries. Students will have an opportunity to sign up for testing appointments at the beginning of November.

  • Students with a permanent address in a state or country where COVID-19 testing is required for entry will receive testing priority prior to their departure. Priority will be based on early November state and country requirements and a student’s home address in Banner.
  • Students who live in the same immediate household with an individual at high risk for COVID-19 complications should apply for an accommodation through Sara Bea Accessibility Services by Friday, Oct. 23. Students with approved accommodations will also receive priority for exit testing.
  • Additional, optional, saliva testing will be offered to any student between Monday, Nov. 9 and Friday, Nov. 20. The University will pause surveillance testing during this period as needed to accommodate student exit testing.
  • Diagnostic testing, including appropriate isolation or quarantine requirements, will continue for students who experience primary or sustained secondary symptoms of COVID-19.

Enjoy this week’s beautiful fall weather, and thank you for continuing to adhere to the University’s health and safety protocols. Please, remember to:

  • Wear your mask
  • Practice physical distancing
  • Wash your hands regularly
  • Complete your daily health check
  • Show up when selected for surveillance testing

In Notre Dame,

Erin Hoffmann Harding
Vice President for Student Affairs

Mike Seamon
Vice President for Campus Safety and University Operations