Division of Student Affairs Awards Scholarships to Students

Author: Kate Morgan

The University of Notre Dame’s Division of Student Affairs recently awarded scholarships for the 2018-2019 academic year to four junior undergraduate students in recognition of their demonstrated leadership on campus and beyond.

After reviewing nominations from across campus, a selection committee comprised of representatives from within and beyond the Division awarded the Lou Holtz Leadership Scholarship to students Karla Burgos-Moron and Anthony Do and the Hipp-Beeler Scholarship to Moataz Bashir and Prathm Juneja.

The criteria for each scholarship is demonstrated leadership in residence hall programs, spiritual activities, community service, student government, student activities, entrepreneurial projects, interhall sports or any combination of these or other activities in the area of student life.

Established by Mike Harper in 1995, the Lou Holtz Leadership Scholarship encourages recipients to develop leadership qualities similar to those of Lou Holtz. A junior political science major with supplemental majors in Latino studies and peace studies, Burgos-Moron earned one of two Lou Holtz Leadership Scholarships as the result of her leadership in the advocacy for immigrants and refugees. A native of Watervliet, Mich., she has served as the co-vice chair for the Diversity Council of Notre Dame and the co-chair of the Latino Honor Society. Burgos-Moron is also the current president of the Student Coalition for Immigration Advocacy.

Anthony Do, a junior chemical engineering major from Syracuse, N.Y. also received a Lou Holtz Leadership Scholarship. Do is currently the vice chair for the Diversity Council and the vice president of the Vietnamese Student Association. In his time with the student club, he has led events, professional opportunities and cultural shows to expand Notre Dame students’ understanding of and involvement with Vietnamese culture. In addition, in 2016, Do hosted the Union of Vietnamese Student Association of the Midwest at Notre Dame for the first time.

Established in 1992 by Student Government, the Hipp-Beeler Scholarship is designed to honor student-athletes Colleen Hipp and Megan Beeler who died in a bus accident. Junior Moataz Bashir was awarded one of two Hipp-Beeler Scholarships for his dedication to fostering an open dialogue among students regarding faith and gender relations. An architecture major from Andalus, Kuwait, Bashir is an active member of the Muslim Student Association and the National Organization of Minority Architecture Students. He also served as the Gender Relations Commissioner for his residence hall and as a FIRE Starter for the Gender Relations Center.

Junior Prathm Juneja was awarded the second Hipp-Beeler Scholarship for his commitment to engagement and outreach within Notre Dame Student Government and the city of South Bend. Originally from Edison, N.J., Juneja is computer science major who served as student body chief of staff and as a legislative intern for the South Bend Mayor’s Office. He also served as a task force leader for the NDVotes ’16 initiative, registering more than 4,000 students, faculty and staff to vote.