Campus Activity Update

Author: Erin Hoffmann Harding and Mike Seamon

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Dear undergraduate, graduate, and professional students,

We know these days of slowed campus activity have been very challenging for you. The pandemic forces us to make difficult choices to balance the physical health of our community with our desire to offer you opportunities to connect socially. University leaders do not make these decisions lightly, especially because we know they have an impact on your Notre Dame experience.

We write today with what we hope is an encouraging step. While our positive case counts still require careful vigilance, we have consulted with local health officials and are able to reopen limited aspects of campus activity.

  • Beginning Saturday, Feb. 27, outdoor student activities, which carry a lower risk of transmission, will be offered if they are sponsored or co-sponsored by a University department to ensure adherence to health and safety protocols. In addition to virtual programming, this weekend’s in-person events now include:
  • There will be an opportunity for limited student attendance at varsity basketball and volleyball games beginning next Wednesday, March 3. More details will be shared early next week. We also anticipate students will be able to attend outdoor sporting events.

We know there are additional aspects of campus life that are important to students, and we hope case counts will decline significantly so we can reintroduce them. Your decisions influence these case counts. While the vast majority of students are adhering diligently to our protocols, last weekend’s events at Monterrey Mexican Bar and Grill were troubling and occurred just a week after local health officials cited large, unmasked crowds at Finnies Next Door. NDPD is working with the Mishawaka Police Department to investigate the involvement of Notre Dame students in this event, and they will refer any students identified to the conduct process.

We are living through difficult times. Flags on campus are flying at half-mast to remember the more than 500,000 Americans who have died of COVID-19, and Campus Ministry is planning a prayer service next Wednesday to pray for those worldwide who have lost their lives to this virus. While we are all tired of health and safety protocols, they keep us safe. Let us work together to find ways to connect with each other by making use of the many spaces and programs available. Our student body is one of the brightest and most caring communities in the country, and these qualities are more important than ever. Please help us protect both the University and local community in the days and weeks ahead.

In Notre Dame,

Erin Hoffmann Harding
Vice President for Student Affairs

Mike Seamon
Vice President for Campus Safety and University Operations