FRC Summer Chats for Expectant Parents

- (part of a series)

The FRC is hosting chats this summer for ND students that are parenting, married and pregnant as well as student-families.  Please register for any chat you are interested in.  You will be sent a zoom link and password to the chat(s) before each program.  If you have questions, please contact Peggy at

Topic Schedule 

June 23 (topic: Baby supplies and preparing for your baby)

June 30 (topic: Healthy eating and WIC)

July 7 (topic: What to expect in the last trimester)

July 14 (topic: Local resources and health insurance)

July 21 (topic: Breast-feeding)

July 28 (topic: What's on your mind?)

Register here


Note:  To allow for quality conversation, no additional participants will be added 15 minutes after the start of the chat.

Originally published at