Live Video Conference with Fr. Jim Martin, S.J.


Location: DeBartolo 101 (View on map )

Campus Ministry, Gender Relations Center, and Center for Social Concerns invite you to attend a live video conference with Fr. Jim Martin, S.J. as he discusses his most recent book, Building A Bridge: How the Catholic Church and the LGBT Community can enter into a relationship of respect, compassion, and sensitivity, on Monday, Nov. 6, from 8-10 p.m. in DeBartolo 101. Open to ND/SMC/HC  students, faculty, and staff.

Fr. Martin will talk for 45 minutes and will entertain questions for one hour. To help the Q&A session run more efficiently, please email your questions to Fr. Joe Corpora prior to Nov. 2.

All are encouraged to read Fr. Martin’s book prior to attending the video conference. Books are available at the author discounted price of $11 and may be purchased from Campus Ministry in Coleman Morse 114, Gender Relations Center, or Center for Social Concerns. Cash only, please. Scholarships are available.

Originally published at